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Re: Current state of packaging Python software for Debian (was: list of package for python_support -> dh_python2 ?)

On Jun 14, 2011, at 03:44 PM, Josselin Mouette wrote:

>Le mardi 14 juin 2011 à 07:39 -0400, Barry Warsaw a écrit : 
>> Blog references, email threads, or other links to existing artifacts would be
>> very helpful.  Has anybody ever written a "What's Wrong With Python and How It
>> Hurts Debian" article?
>I have something like that among the things I’d like to write, but it
>would be very long so I haven’t found the time yet.

I totally understand how difficult it is to get around to things like that.
My own clone army is still not functional either.  But I for one would find
such an article valuable, so do let us know if you ever get around to writing

I want to be a conduit between Debian and upstream, so please, I encourage
everyone who has concrete issues that can help the Debian story, to raise them
here.  Python is a big ship so it takes time to steer, but as I hope I've
shown with PEP 3147 and 3149, we *can* steer it into a more Debian-friendly


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