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Re: uol.com.br and petsupermarket

Leo Antunes <costela@debian.org>
> but have you checked the LDAP database of developers for @uol.com.br
> addresses?

I think any DD can do that. There's probably a better way, but
I used: ldapsearch -x -H ldap://db.debian.org -b dc=debian,dc=org \
emailForward | grep uol.com.br

I'd expect someone would have noticed if the spams were coming
as a result of relays via @debian.org, but the spams don't seem
to contain enough information to tell what provoked them.

> Doesn't hurt to check and send a small and polite email to all
> developers whose @debian.org addresses redirect to @uol.com.br.
> This could at least solve both problems (the spam and the blacklisting)
> temporarily until one of us BR devels can get anything out of UOL.

I think the main problem is for contributors who are UOL users,
who we have less contact with, rather than developers.

Hope that helps,
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