debian-newmaint Feb 2018 by subject
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Louis-Philippe Véronneau: Application Manager report
Aurélien COUDERC: Advocate
Aurélien COUDERC: Declaration of intent
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen: Advocate
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen: Declaration of intent
Alexandre Rossi: Advocate
Andrea Bolognani: Advocate
Andrea Bolognani: Declaration of intent
Boyuan Yang: Advocate
Boyuan Yang: Declaration of intent
Bug#889616: please block DM applications until the key requirements are satisfied
Daniel Echeverry: Declaration of intent
David Rabel: Advocate
Dennis van Dok: Advocate
Dmitry Bogatov: Advocate
Dmitry Bogatov: Declaration of intent
Elena Grandi: Advocate
Elena Grandi: Declaration of intent
I'm done with debian bureaucracy
Maarten van Gompel: Advocate
Neil McGovern: Declaration of intent
Peter Pentchev: Advocate
pondering a possible declaration
Reopening a closed NM process
Re: Report for 'Debian Developer, uploading' applicant Christopher Stuart Hoskin
Thomas Krennwallner: Declaration of intent
Tim Lunn: Advocate
Tim Lunn: Declaration of intent
Tomasz Rybak: Application Manager report
The last update was on 00:37 GMT Sun Jun 09. There are 46 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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