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Re: neglected RC bugs

> Michael K. Edwards wrote:
>> Perhaps the tool that generates the list could be amended to list
>> "someone
>> other than maintainer has responded, but maintainer has not" cases.  Is
>> this likely to generate a lot of false positives?
> I'd think that it generates quite some false positives.
> It also leads to some inconsistency: If someone takes care of a bug on
> the list after reading it, the bug will still be considered neglected by
> the lists's own criteria.

If the bug is closed in NMU, it will be tagged "fixed"; let's filter those
out.  Perhaps we can also filter out bugs that have recently been tagged
"pending", and list (perhaps separately) those that were marked "pending"
more than 2 weeks ago.  The idea of the list, as I understand it, is to
spot bugs that the maintainer's radar and the usual NMU contributors have
missed, so that we can pitch in where it's most likely to be welcome (and
not a duplication of effort).

- Michael

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