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Re: Simple Qt GUI which use debian Live

Erwan Le Gall wrote:
> what are you thinking about it ?

i've just had a quick look. however, apart from what Chris already said
and which i completely agree to, and what we said about xml in the past
on this list, consider:

  * correcting wrong paths and names, it has never neither existed
    something like /usr/share/livehelper, nor 'live helper' or

    it's /usr/share/live-helper/ and the package/program is named

  * copyright wise you should be carefull about including other stuff,
    such as icons and usplash themes (wtf?), those should be mentioned

  * let someone with english skills review your strings, to both improve
    the used language ('Welcome to LiveCreator' instead of 'Welcome on
    LiveCreator'), fix wrong words ('packages' instead of
    'paquets') and typos ('Types' instead of 'Typz'). and don't use
    french spacing in english, this is some sort of disease (no offence)
    that french native speakers often tend to do when they write

  * since you base on live-helper, you should also use the same
    terminology to describe certain options. otherwise, it's very
    confusing and difficult for someone who used your frontend to later
    use live-helper directly. e.g. you refere to LH_BINARY_IMAGES with
    'Live Type'.

  * you should not default to other defaults than what live-helper is
    doing, or rather don't handle default at all and just call lh_config
    initially and import that config as the default.

  * i'm not so sure that building and keeping live images in
    /var/lib/livecreator is a good idea (usally not enough space)
    also, have you though about systems with concurrent users (both
    privacy issues and file conflicts wise)?
    i think you really should do stuff in users home directory.

> The long shoot things to do are :
>  * Migrate to pycentral (for packaging)

i personally prefer python-support, it's a lot saner.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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