debian-legal Nov 2006 by subject

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Re: Bug#383481: Must source code be easy to understand to fall under DFSG? Re: Bug#399505: ITP: PySparse - a sparse linear algebra extension for Python Clarification about the octave-gpcl licensing conditions Comments on the second public CC draft Elive requires donation to download if a package can be used to spread illgeal contect can i sent to debian ? Is the University of Edinburgh clickwrap GPL DFSG-free? ITP: PySparse - a sparse linear algebra extension for Python licensing New licensing of Adobe Utopia fonts The or bassi photo licenses rocks-n-diamonds Strange GPL licensing: most recent subscription Re: What is the most restrictive DFSG approved "Commercialism prohibited" What is the most restrictive DFSG approved "Commercialism prohibited" XBRL XML schema The last update was on 06:15 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 97 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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