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Re: is kde and kde app source debian-legally distributable?

J.H.M. Dassen Ray" <jdassen@wi.leidenuniv.nl> wrote:
> Apperantly you seem to think otherwise. Why, in your opinion, would
> having a kde-src package (similar to the qmail-src and pine-src we
> already have) make Debian liable for contributory infringement?

Because the licenses are different.  qmail-src and pine-src do not have
the problems of GPL+(old Qt license).  

In other words, the kde issue is a license issue, it's not something
that's built into copyright law.

But this is pretty basic: maybe you need me to go over the issues again,
with each of these licenses?

> > (2) the GPL -- for example, try to explain how it can restrict
> > binaries in this case without also restricting source.
> The GPL says:
> :Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
> :covered by this License; they are outside its scope.
> Thus, in the privacy of my own system, I can compile a GPL-ed source against
> whatever evil licensed library I wish (say a binary-only one like libforms).

That doesn't show that distribution of the source under dubious
circumstances is legal -- certainly it makes no distinction between
binaries and source.


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