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(fwd) Re: QPL 0.91 is out...

Thought this might be relevant to the kde source thread.


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From: Axel Boldt <axel@uni-paderborn.de>
Newsgroups: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: QPL 0.91 is out...
Date: 04 Dec 1998 07:03:37 +0100
Organization: none
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <xzqaf14a1fq.fsf@uni-paderborn.de>
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jwilleke@ix.netcom.com (Jon Willeke) writes:

> Axel Boldt <axel@uni-paderborn.de> wrote:
> >David Kastrup <dak@mailhost.neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de> writes:
> >
> >> psmith@baynetworks.com (Paul D. Smith) writes:
> >> 
> >> > Interesting.  Except for 3b this may even be compatible with the GPL.
> >> 
> >> Well, of course 3b is the clincher (3b allows Trolltech to incorporate
> >> any patches to Qt on the net into arbitrarily licensed proprietary Qt
> >> versions *as long as* they incorporate the same patches into their
> >> QPLed version of Qt as well).
> >
> >That's not how I read it. Note that the special rights granted to
> >Trolltech in 3b only apply to modifications which the author out of
> >their free will releases under QPL. However, no one forces them to use
> >the QPL for modifications. I believe QPL 0.91 is GPL compatible.
> Clause 4c restricts binary distributions to QPLed code.  Isn't that a
> strong incentive to use the QPL for modifications?

It's certainly an incentive, but not a very strong one. Simply
distribute your modified Qt in source form, together with an install
script which transparently compiles it on the spot. Keep your mods
under GPL.

I have never understood why Debian doesn't distribute KDE in this
manner, to get around the (hopefully now obsolete) "GPL is
incompatible with Qt's license" problem.

In fact, I've never understood why anyone feels the need to distribute
binaries anyway, but that's another story...

 Axel Boldt  **  axel@uni-paderborn.de  **  math-www.uni-paderborn.de/~axel/
 Sponsor free software at the Free Software Bazaar visar.csustan.edu/bazaar/
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