debian-l10n-portuguese Apr 2009 by thread
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console-setup: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation Flamarion Jorge
aolserver4 4.5.1-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package aolserver4 Christian Perrier
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt (05 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt_BR (05 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
dtc-xen 0.3.27-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package dtc-xen Thomas Goirand
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt (11 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
shadow: Please update the PO translation for the package shadow Christian Perrier
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt (12 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Bringing Spice to Your Sexx Life Buntz
canna 3.7p3-6.2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package canna Christian Perrier
clamav 0.95.1+dfsg-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package clamav Christian Perrier
glide 2002.04.10-19: Please update debconf PO translation for the package glide Christian Perrier
zabbix 1:1.6.4-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package zabbix Michael Ablassmeier
nss-ldapd 0.6.8: Please update debconf PO translation for the package nss-ldapd Arthur de Jong
Re: [D-I Manual] Stable update - String freeze / Call to update translations Frans Pop
Quero participar! Morpheu Gnu/Linux
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt_BR (28 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
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