debian-knoppix Jan 2012 by thread
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Re: USB install with portability, persistence, and Xen with a GUI Milan Knížek
<Possible follow-ups>
USB install with portability, persistence, and Xen with a GUI Dorko Superior
USB install with portability, persistence, and Xen with a GUI Dorko Superior
Re: USB install with portability, persistence, and Xen with a GUI Gilles van Ruymbeke
USB install with portability, persistence, and Xen with a GUI Dorko Super
where is he? Alyna
Directory structure for live CD / USB Milan Knížek
Other Architectures? chris
Connect to wireless LAN automatically. john Culleton
The last update was on 17:28 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 14 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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