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Re: Ping (Was: Introducing DoudouLinux)

On 01/25/2012 10:30 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
As far as I would see it the torch has just left Ben's hand and is
simply waiting for somebody who picks it up.

That's one way of putting it, yes.

I started a Mentoring of the Month effort in Debian Med:

    http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/MoM    [1]

I think this might not fully applicable here but may be you get the

Yes, it's a bit more systematic than is applicable here, as it assumes the existence of an actual team and there really isn't one here. I can make a promise of some of my time when I notice inquiries here that need my input, but otherwise can't commit to something as rigorous as the role "mentor" really requires. (Hence my entreaty to "bug" me until you get an answer, as I acknowledge I may have lapses of attention ... hopefully few and far between, though.)

One goal of the MoM project [1] was to make people verbose on the list
and for the first week it works way better than expected.

Glad to hear it's working out.


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