debian-java Dec 2018 by subject
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Elliott Erwitt, Personae, uno dei fotografi più importanti e celebrati del Novecento.
Re: [Debian-med-packaging] Bug#906371: Changes in alter-sequence-alignment break build of jmodeltest (Was: Bug#906371: jmodeltest: FTBFS in buster/sid)
Appuntamento con il nuovo ciclo di lectiones magistrales di AFIP International
Re: Bug#893409: pixelmed FTBFS with openjdk-9
Bug#915604: RM: maven-indexer -- ROM; No longer used, depends on old libraries
Bug#915871: RM: aether -- ROM; No longer used, replaced by maven-resolver
Re: Bug#915898: picard-tools FTBFS: error: module not found: java.xml.bind
Bug#916216: RM: jakarta-ecs -- ROM; No longer used, discontinued upstream
Bug#916245: ITP: websocket-api -- Java API for WebSocket (JSR-356)
Bug#916343: ITP: el-api -- Expression Language API
Bug#916354: ITP: servlet-api -- Java Servlet API
Bug#916401: ITP: jsp-api -- JavaServer Pages API
Re: Bug#917576: stegosuite: depends on libswt-gtk2 which is no longer built
Re: Changes in alter-sequence-alignment break build of jmodeltest (Was: Bug#906371: jmodeltest: FTBFS in buster/sid)
Help needed with morfologik
Is there a need of a hidden /etc/.java directory
Re: java: building interdependent artifacts with maven
New version of igv needs
Non-free components in Geogebra
Please sponsor Freeplane fix
relicense the eclipse-emf/debian files from EPL-1 to Apache-2.0
richiesta ordine
talking about Glassfish
Updating resteasy{3.0,}
The last update was on 17:06 GMT Mon Jun 10. There are 41 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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