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Re: ssh, /dev/urandom

Neal a écrit : 

 >> > Your argument is absurd.  Network security considerations are different
 >> > than local system security considerations.  We have control over who can
 >> > have an account on our systems.  We don't necessarily have control over
 >> > who has access to our IP ports.
 >> These are all excellent reasons to accurately describe the state of
 >> the system.
 >> None of them are reasons to remove functionality.

 > Which is why your argument is absurd: no one is suggesting that any
 > software be *removed*.  The question is: do we `ln -s /bin/bash
 > /dev/random' by default.

No, we should use a random translator, which, at least, provide uniform
numbers, and differents number on successive reads.

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilobug@nerim.net - http://kilobug.free.fr
GSM         : (in France)   ICQ UIN   : 7299959
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