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Re: Gnome 2.12

Hi All.  Thanks so much everyone for the assistance finding the answer ("no") that I found.  I apologize for my frustration, and assure you that  I was in no way trying to impugn anyone or their efforts.

That said, I make my living managing software development and integration, and I guess I just expect for a plan to exist.  Even if it's a loose collection of "to-do's," I have always insisted on this from my clients and developers.

Might I be able to help in this manner.  I could happily host a wiki or help build some of the outward-facing documentation, stuff that the community will generally appreciate.  I can even work within our existing framework to do this.

Any thoughts.

On 10/8/05, Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> wrote:
Le vendredi 07 octobre 2005 à 11:55 -0600, Dave Loftis a écrit :
> "Does anyone have an idea about timetable for getting gnome 2.12 in
> the tree?  Is there an experimental package?  Is there an ETA for an
> unstable package?  I've been looking for info in the lists archive and
> the #debian channel on freenode.  Is there a place I can look for this
> kind of thing, both now and in the future?"
> What I asked was:
> Is there a schedule (with ballpark dates)?
> Is there an experimental package?
> If so, where is it?

The reason why we didn't answer yet is because we don't know ourselves.
There has been a rush of work to stabilize GNOME 2.10 and get it into
sarge, and we're now taking a break. I'm starting to work on GNOME 2.12
now, and I guess other members of the team will soon be doing the same,
so you can expect things to move, but we really can't give you a

.''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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