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Re: GNOME-2 transition: necessary?

<quote who="Raphael Hertzog">

> Yes. But I don't see the point of doing extra work for such a migration if
> the only thing we have to do is wait until RH/Ximian decides to write some
> "update" code.

There will be minimal extra work. I can't forsee many new releases of GNOME
1.4 desktop components, so whilst there would be two packages to maintain,
only one would be getting many updates in the near future. There would be
some extra work in bug maintenance, but hey, it's two different sets of bugs
which you get to maintain separately as a bonus anyway.

You don't have to wait for the GNOME community to provide desktop migration
/ integration code - you could get involved!

> In particular, maintaining both Gnome looks like unnecessary work to me.
> If someone wants Gnome 1.4, he should stay with woody. With unstable he
> has up to date software with all the associated pains, if he suffers from
> Gnome 2, he can write patches to make it better. :-)

It's not the "problems" with GNOME 2 that are the issue, it's the complete
lack of migration/integration for and from GNOME 1.x. Thus, doing this
upgrade piecemeal is insane, doing it wholesale is at least not particularly
kind on your users, and at worst very silly.

> > or are you really not that interested in a user-friendly shift to G2D in
> > unstable?
> Personally i'm not interested in that. Unstable is expected to have
> problems. I'm just interested in painless upgrade within stable (ie
> between real releases like potato -> woody).

I'm not convinced that this excuse is reasonable. Does the fact that "users
can expect problems from unstable" mean that you have no commitment or
interest in providing workable and sensible packages?

Imagine the furore if apache2 was uploaded to unstable as apache, without
support for php, mod_perl, etc. There would be bloody corpses of Debian
maintainers lining the streets.


- Jeff

             make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.             

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