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Re: debian's gnus package older than its emacs builtin gnus?

>>"DG" == D Goel <deego@gnufans.org> writes:

 DG> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
 >> [Manoj's information on gnus package]

 DG> hm, here's another confused emacs user.  I had been "careful" to not
 DG> "apt-get install gnus", lest it spoil my current emacs21.

	You should perhaps give Debian more credit.

 DG> Perhaps the "apt-cache show gnus" should mention in its first line:
 DG> "newsreader for emacs20 or older" or some such.

	But that would be untrue, since I am using the same package,
 gnus, albeit a different version, for emacs21.

 DG> Currently, when I apt-cache show gnus, the only mention of versions
 DG> occurs here:
 DG> Depends: ucf, emacs20 | emacs21 | xemacs20 | xemacs21, fileutils (>= 4.0)

 DG> which, since it mentions emacs21, would lead a confusubie like me to
 DG> think that this standalone package would replace emacs21's gnus.

	It would, in Sid. Since Emacsen contain Gnusii, there are
 periods when the versions of gnus built in leap frog the stand alone
 version. Users should not have to care when that happens, since the
 stand alone package should make it so that the version of Gnus is
 never a downgrade for the user of the standalone package.

	Which happens to be the case here.

 When God endowed human beings with brains, He did not intend to
 guarantee them.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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