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Re: debian's gnus package older than its emacs builtin gnus?

>>"Dan" == Dan Jacobson <jidanni@dman.ddts.net> writes:

>>>>> "M" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
 Dan> What is the justification for a standalone package for gnus if one
 Dan> need emacs to run gnus, and that emacs has a newer gnus inside?

 M> There is none for emacs21. There is if you run emacs 20. Or

 Dan> then maybe have the gnus package depend on emacs versions _less_ than 21?

 M> run Sid, where the stand alone gnus is using Oort.

 Dan> Ugh... behind emacs if you run woody, ahead of emacs if you run sid!?

	What on earth for? Even if this were possible, which it is
 not, what benefit does one gain? As it stands, you install gnus and
 emacs, and the gnus package takes care to not stomp over the built in
 version of Gnus if that would creates a downgrade. 

	Why degrade the quality of implementation and have people
 installing ands uninstalling gnus whenever the built in
 version leap frogs the stand alone package version?

 Dan> I know, I will not touch things and this will hopefully get cleared up
 Dan> next time i go to town and get cds.

 Dan> why don't you call gnus gnus-oort or something...

	Why pretend it is a different package when it is merely a
 different version of the same package?

 "Remember, IBM has always prided itself on its marketing prowess, and
 market segmentation was an essential part of that.  The last thing
 IBM wanted to do was compete with itself.  But it looks like that
 kind of thinking isn't going to work anymore." An unnamed IBM
 official, InfoWorld, February 26, 1990, page 1, about the unhappiness
 of the AS/400 group that the System/6000 had an aggressive
 price/performance ratio, and a larger number
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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