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Re: debian's gnus package older than its emacs builtin gnus?

>>>>> "M" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

Dan> What is the justification for a standalone package for gnus if one
Dan> need emacs to run gnus, and that emacs has a newer gnus inside?

M> 	There is none for emacs21. There is if you run emacs 20. Or

then maybe have the gnus package depend on emacs versions _less_ than 21?

M>  run Sid, where the stand alone gnus is using Oort.

Ugh... behind emacs if you run woody, ahead of emacs if you run sid!?

this is what I run from the CD's i bring back to my mountain top every
year or so [i am a slow modem user]

$ apt-cache policy gnus emacs21
  Installed: 5.8.8-8
  Candidate: 5.8.8-8
  Version Table:
 *** 5.8.8-8 0
        500 cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux SID _Sid_ - fsn.hu unofficial i386 Binary-5 (20021010)] unstable/main Packages
  Installed: 21.2-1
  Candidate: 21.2-1
  Version Table:
 *** 21.2-1 0
        500 cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux SID _Sid_ - fsn.hu unofficial i386 Binary-2 (20021010)] unstable/main Packages

Dan> We gnus users will of course install the gnus debian package when we
Dan> see it in say aptitude.  Little did we know that it infact is a gnus
Dan> downgrade and we should stay away?

M> 	Check your facts.

M> 	The stand alone Gnus is more intelligent; itshall not install
M>  on emacs21.

Dan> Anyway, am I safe to apt-get remove gnus?  Will it actually freshen my
Dan> gnus?

M> 	Yes. No.

I know, I will not touch things and this will hopefully get cleared up
next time i go to town and get cds.

why don't you call gnus gnus-oort or something...
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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