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Re: More on the future LDAP admin gui in Debian Edu


On 25/10/10 13:50, Klaus Knopper wrote:
>> The last point has nothing to do with CipUX upstream development or
>> packaging, those things are fine and can keep going the way they do.
> Great, that surely makes it easier. But still the problem remains of who
> will do the deed.


> My real question was, how can we get someone who gets CipUX into
> Skolelinux when none of the CipUX-Team managed to do this yet? Are there
> volunteeres, or people who can do this as a paid job? I'm asking because
> we did not find anyone yet. I don't feel qualified to do this by myself,
> since I don't know enough about CipUX and its LDAP+Perl dependencies.

so the conclusion is the same simple one as stated much earlier in this
thread: so far nobody has shown up who is willing (and able) to do the
integration work (and the maintenance) to get CipUX into Skolelinux.

It's not that CipUX is not wanted, but without manpower to get the work
done there is simply no chance.

Of course your request for help from the Debian Edu people is
legitimate, but Debian Edu lacks manpower anyway.
For this reason and since CipUX is widely used and supported in
Skolelinux-RLP, it is legitimate for the Debian Edu people to give that
question back to those.

 .''`.   Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>
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  `-     ICQ: 235-524-440, Jabber: der_schakal@jabber.org

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