Re: Updates
2014-09-04 19:12 या दिवशी Jonas Smedegaard ने लिहीले :
Football and tennis are two different sports.
Debian and e.g. Python are two different FOSS projects.
At the same debian is more than just a single foss project. It is a
distribution and we collect the work of many Free Software projects
including that of python.
Yes, you can play tennis on a football field without caring about that,
or as you can hack on Python on a Debian system not caring about that.
Python or git are tools used in debian, learning python helps people to
contribute to debian also. Learning how to contribute to gnome music
helps them learn the process of contributing to a free software project
and it will make it easier for them to contribute to debian as well.
I am unaware of an official policy for the use of the term
- and apologize if I gave the impression that such exist or that I
in an official role on behalf of Debian as organisation.
As I believe I have stated several times in the past on this list, I
merely offer suggestions here.
Like I said earlier, people who do the work gets to decide what
suggestions to take or not. When you organize a mini debconf, your team
can decide what to have in it or not.
...and makes sense. Do silly things and others will ask you to please
not do so - whether or not it is written in Policy.
that feeling is mutual. I also feel some people are acting silly here.
I disagree with your point and I will support changing the name only
if people who are helping organize the event agrees to your suggestion
or we are violating any policies set by the project.
Don't do it because I say so - obviously only do what you feel is
Indeed, that is the beauty of debian.
Debian constitution says
An individual Developer may,
"1. make any technical or nontechnical decision with regard to their own
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