debian-dpkg Jul 2011 by thread
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Histogram of ages of packages incrementally installed over 15 years Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
BUG: apt dpkg failures on heavy installs: tsort(1) uses discussion John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Wiki page for new contributors Raphael Hertzog
Re: Bug#633388: apt-cache dotty goof ?? John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Some upcoming dpkg changes, test and feedback welcome Raphael Hertzog
Re: alternatives DB corruption Michael Neuffer
Re: [SCM] dpkg's main repository branch, master, updated. Guillem Jover
Re: Please decide how Debian should enable hardening build flags Raphael Hertzog
Re: Bug#552688: [ Bug#552688: Please decide how Debian should enable hardening build flags] Raphael Hertzog
Declarative Diversions - Report 4 Sam Dunne
The last update was on 09:28 GMT Thu May 16. There are 51 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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