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Re: debconf template translation

Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> Op vr 28-02-2003, om 19:18 schreef Joey Hess:
> > I'd suggest something like this:
> > 
> > 1. DDTP finishes translating all debconf templates, fully, for n
> >    languages.
> Hah!
> Oh puh-lease. Be a bit realistic, if possible. Full translation? Yeah
> right. There's no way you can keep up with a moving target.

At the head of this thread, Michael Bramer stated:

  Since 6 months we translate debconf templates with the DDTP. If we
  translate <400 debconf templates into German, we will have translated
  all debconf templates from all sid/main packages.

He also pointed to this file:


Which is 2.4 mb in size[1] and contains 3276 trnslated templates.
The translations to Spanish, Danish, and pt_BR are roughly half as far
along, it looks like. 

I am only going on the data I have available. The data I have available
says that 90% of a full translation was accomplished in 6 months.
Therefore perhaps it could be finished in, say, one month. If you have
better data, please share it, but your defeatest attitude isn't very

I have no figures for how often debconf templates change after being
originally written, but I suspect it's about as often as descriptions of
packages are changed, which is not that often. Again someone with actual
data on how much churn there is would be welcomed. Anyway, I had some
things to say earlier about keeping translations updated once they go in,
which you didn't bother to respond to.

> >    You pick them, one would hope they'd include the big
> >    languages.
> If this is possible, one would think they'd _only_ include the big
> languages.

Possibly not, I'm suprised to see Danish is so far along. Anyway, for
what I am suggesting, n could be 1 and the set just be German.

> > 2. DDTP announces that everyone who has a debconf-using package should
> >    now update its tranlations for all n languages. DDTP or others
> >    provide a simple command-line tool that can do just that, securely,
> >    with less than 2 minutes learning curve per developer. The tool is put
> >    in devscripts.
> You'll need this tool anyway, but there's no need to wait for 'full
> translation' for that.

I'm not worried that writing it in time will be an issue.

> > 3. Wait 4 weeks, maybe sending a few reminders.
> > 4. File bugs on the remaining 25% of packages.
> > 5. Wait 4 weeks.
> > 6. NMU the remaining 10% of packages and report their MIA maintainers to
> >    the MIA tracker. I assume this will take less than 1 month to
> >    complete.
> Uh. Remember that there are not release critical? Not that I think they
> shouldn't be, but that would require some policy changes first.

All it takes to get something like this changed is decide we want to do
it and start doing it. I would rather consider getting full debconf
translations for the next release for n languages as a release goal type
of thing. Sort of like moving all over to /usr/share/doc was for woody,
and like recompilation with gcc 3.0, and removal of the /usr/doc links is
for woody+1.

> I'd think a year is an optimistic estimation. Sure, large language
> groups, such as German, French, or Japanese could make this happen, but
> there are literally hundreds of languages out there, and most aren't
> really able to make this happen.

If you'll read what I wrote again, I am talking about picking n
languages and getting those fully translated and then going ahead. Not
every language on the planet. I think the best qualification to be part
of the set is being the farthest along in the translation, though I
suppose any language that managed to come from behind and get done in time
for the first wave could be included.

> I'd suggest a configurable way for dh_installdebconf to check on updates
> of translations. Sure, not everyone uses debhelper, but it's a start.

This is out of scope for debhelper. Also, we do not want packages
hitting the network at build time. And we need to be concerned about
securing these downloads when they do happen. But the tools are really
not a big deal in all this, these type of developer tools have a way of
just getting written.

see shy jo

[1] part of this due to size deficiencies in the debconf rfc-822 database format

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