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Re: opening -private archives (was Re: Discussion - non-free software removal)

On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 12:50:09PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
> Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Debian Developers can review the process that produced the Social
> > Contract and Free Software Guidelines by looking at the following files:
> > 
> > master.debian.org:/debian/home/debian/archive/debian-private/debian-private-199706.gz
> > master.debian.org:/debian/home/debian/archive/debian-private/debian-private-199707.gz
> I'm going completly offtopic, but this is an excellent example of why we
> should open up debian-private archives after x years, or at least allow
> developers to repost from debian-private with due discretion. Though it
> made some sense at the time to have it on -private, nothing in the
> relevant parts of the above (at least I've looked back over the first
> one) has any reason to be hidden from our users any more, or from anyone
> who cares about the OSD or DFSG, or from from prospective new developers
> who will be agreeing to these documents. It's important history.

I entirely concur, and I strongly considered posting the discussion
threads publicly at people.debian.org/~branden for the whole world to

However, I figured I'd get flamed and accused of using unfair tactics to
support the General Resolution, so I thought better of it.

So I am resigned to the increased possibility that people will make up
their minds about this General Resolution in ignorance of the history of
the Social Contract.

However, maybe we can build a consensus that releasing those threads
from their private limbo would be a good pilot project.  I cannot recall
anything from my review of those threads that was the least bit

In fact, debian-private in 1997 resembles the debian-devel of 2002 much
more closely than it resembles the debian-private of 2002, where people
actually complain about unnecessary discussions taking place in
-private.  :)

As an aside, I propose that we make available the following message no
matter what:

	Subject: [VAC] Vomitted on my laptop
	Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 05:44:12 -0600

It's just too damn funny to keep secret.

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      Ignorantia judicis est calamitas
branden@debian.org                 |      innocentis.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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