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Re: DAM approval wait time?

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 07:37:02PM +1000, Andrew Lau wrote:

> > 	I've found that being a Developer isn't that important to the
> > work that I contribute, and I hope that you will continue to
> > contribute whatever you can.

> 	I know, but after awhile I feel as if I'm a second class
> member of the Debian community, that I'm untrusted and being
> stigmatised. I'm not after alau@debian.org for any status at all, only
> as a "thanks for helping out" and to feel accepted.. When you're up
> against that, you really start to wonder if it's worth it at all.

Is this really how you view developership?  I don't approve of NMs being
left hanging in the queue, but I have serious misgivings when someone
says they would like to have a debian.org address to know that they're
appreciated.  If being a DD is a sign that you're accepted, it's a very
fleeting one; flamewars between developers are usually MORE intense than
between DDs and non-DDs.[1]  I think to be a successful DD, you have to
first find satisfaction in the work itself, with or without community

If you're doing work that's important to the users of your packages,
isn't that its own reward?  Is positive user feedback and knowing that
you're doing a good job not enough to keep you going?  If not, maybe you
should think about whether being a DD is really what you want for
yourself: after a while, the novelty of an @debian.org address is sure to
wear off, and after that, you'll probably not find much thanks from
*this* mean-spirited bunch of developers. ;)

I realize this is not the most encouraging of responses to your inquiry;
but especially in light of some of your other comments, I think it needs
to be said that being a productive member of the community is something
that comes from *within*, not something that the DAM can bestow upon you.
If you try to change the work you do in the community solely to please
the DAM, I can almost guarantee it won't make *you* happy, whether or not
it earns you the merit badge.  Remember that being a valued member of the
community is about a lot more than earning the approval of a single
person, DAM or not.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

P.S. -- thank you for your contributions to Debian.

[1] Or maybe this is what you mean by being "accepted"? ;)

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