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Re: No LVM in Woody (Was: writing a release announcement)

Quoting Robert van der Meulen (rvdm@wiretrip.org):
> The latest lvm10 has been built successfully on all 11 archs; the latest
> lvm-common has been built for all archs but s390, which fails, because the 
> '*LINUX24-HEADERS-IN-USR-SRC'. This seems to be a buildd oddness (as #d-d 
> tells me), so i'm Cc-ing the s390 buildd maintainer on this one, asking him 
> (hi gerhard) if this is fixable.
> After this problem has been tackled, we can expect a recent/working lvm10 in 
> woody.

Well, let's followup my own post to keep everyone posted; lvm-common has
been correctly built on s390. In combination with the announce posting
today, this will probably mean we can welcome a fresh lvm10/lvm-common 
in woody, in a couple of days. Time to re-change the release notes ? :)


( o>                          Linux Generation                          <o )
///\            finger rvdm@debian.org for my GnuPG/PGP key.            /\\\
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                if you remember the 60's, you weren't there.                

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