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Re: debian is slower than time (was: adrian's 2.4.x packages)

also sprach Steve Langasek <vorlon@netexpress.net> [2002.01.29.2243 +0100]:
> You know, the entry requirements for working on any other distro are 
> certainly much higher than they are for Debian.  If you want to work on 
> RedHat's distribution, or on SuSE's, you have to be an employee; you 
> would have to interview for a position, you might have to relocate, and 
> once you're hired, you work on what your employer tells you to work on.  
> In contrast, it's relatively easy to get into Debian: show that you have 
> the necessary skills, and that you know how to work together with other 
> developers, and it's almost certain that you /will/ get in given time.

i want to join debian. i'd shoot myself would i have to join redhat or

> Still, it's important to recognize that even though Debian is open,
> there does need to be some control over who is given access to upload to
> the distribution; otherwise, Debian might become more open to 
> developers at the expense of our users; a distro without any assurance 
> of quality is no better than any collection of random software
> downloaded from the Net.

nothing to add. i am simply wondering what takes so long, and why it
seems to be a linear queue. stressing the point that i'll let every
other applicant ahead of me, i am wondering why people who have
already established their position with debian (like me) have to wait
until the completely new dudes up ahead have finished their lengthy

> > now just *why* is it taking so long??? 
> This is a question that's usually best asked of your AM or of the NM 
> frontdesk.  The general answer is: reviewing an application takes time,
> and those responsible for processing applications have no more time in a
> day than the rest of us.  One thing that's certain is that no one ever 
> got through the NM queue faster by starting a thread about it on 
> debian-devel...

i've been told. i'll shut up.

> Thank you for your contributions to Debian.  It cannot be stated enough 
> that it takes more than just package maintainers to make Debian work as 
> a distro.

word. thanks.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"information superhighway"
 is just an anagram for
"i'm on a huge wispy rhino fart".

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