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>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

    Manoj> 	However, kernel-image packages are flexible enough to
    Manoj> allow you not to have them run lilo, or manage the
    Manoj> symlinks, or any of the other processing, as you wish.

I am not sure how you install an already existing kernel image package
(eg. a kernel distributed with Debian), and not have it automatically
run lilo in the postinst.

In fact, a preliminary examination of the postinst script suggests
that lilo is hard-coded near the top of the file:

my $version         = "2.4.4";
my $image_in_boot   = "";       # Should be empty, mostly
my $no_symlink      = "";       # Should be empty, mostly
my $reverse_symlink = "";       # Should be empty, mostly
my $do_symlinks     = "Yes";    # target machine defined
my $kimage          = "bzImage";        # Should be empty, mostly
my $loader          = "lilo";     # lilo, silo, quik, or nettrom
my $image_dir       = "/boot";     # where the image is located

So, you might be able to change it before a make-kpkg operation, but
can you change it before a dpkg -i operation?

    Manoj> 	Uhh? LILO is a boot loader. So you are going to run
    Manoj> lilo and customize it not to run itself? Since you can
    Manoj> already customize a config file not to have lilo ruin, what
    Manoj> exactly is the advantage again? 

I may have been ambiguous in my original message and not clearly
defined when I was talking "lilo*.deb" the package which contains
"lilo" the boot loader. I may even have worded my sentences badly in
order to complicate matters even more <grin>. Sorry about any

So the lilo package would be responsible for installing the boot
loader, whenever somebody installs a kernel-image package.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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