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Re: creating Debian packages on reiserfs

>>>>> "Aubin" == Aubin Paul <aubin@punknews.org> writes:

    Aubin> I'm a little confused on this, why is building packages on
    Aubin> reiserfs a Bad Thing(tm) I've converted /usr to reiser, but
    Aubin> I'm waiting on /home, since I've started building packages,
    Aubin> I'd like to make sure I'm not going to cause gigantic
    Aubin> problems...

I think it is only a problem if you package shared libraries.

The problem is this seriously flawed requirement in chapter 12 of the
Debian Packaging Manual (at least the version in potato):

   "Futhermore, and this is very important, the library must be
   placed before the symlink pointing to it in the .deb file. This is so
   that by the time dpkg comes to install the symlink (overwriting the
   previous symlink pointing at an older version of the library) the new
   shared library is already in place. Currently the way to ensure the
   ordering is done properly is to install the library in the appropriate
   debian/tmp/.../lib directory before creating the symlink, by putting
   the commands in the debian/rules in the appropriate order. Whether
   this has been done correctly can be checked by performing an ls -f."

The suggested way of doing this happens (by pure chance) to work on
ext2fs (I have been told that even ext2fs does not guarantee the order
of the files). It does not work on reiserfs.

I read somewhere that the latest version of dpkg (in unstable?) 
unpacks symlinks last, so this hack will not be required in the
future. However, I still use stable, and want my packages to work on
stable, so I need to use ext2fs.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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