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Re: Red Hat 5.0 Release date

From: Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org>
> I'd like to help. In specific, the configuration of the network on the
> boot floppies (and /etc/init.d/network) is a big old joke, and needs
> to be completely revamped.

Well, the boot floppies are Sven's package, so talk to him. What I was
thinking of doing was:

1. Building a set of boot floppies, and sending the patches back
   to Sven. I would probably also build a binary kernel package or three
   if someone else doesn't. We need zImage and bzImage kernels for this
   release. Also, I would build a 2.1.65 (or higher) package because it
   has some devices and stuff the 2.0 kernel is lacking.

2. Building a boot floppy especially for the CD-ROM. This is because the
   CD boot is a floppy disk image in a file. This one would be:
	A. 2.88MB in size.
	B. A minix or ROMFS filesystem.
	C. Using LILO for the boot block.
	D. Containing either more than one kernel, or modules.

   The "real" floppy image would remain much the same as today, using
   a DOS filesystem and SysLinux. 

3. Modifying my debian-cd package to make both CDs bootable, so that you
   can have alternate kernels on the source CD.

4. Writing a shell-and-dialog hack that would run dpkg --set-selections
   to set common configurations for your Debian system and install them,
   saving the common man from having to run dselect. Should have done this
   in 1.3 .

What exactly do you propose to do with the network configuration?


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