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Re: Lists of Maintainers

> How can we redistribute the information about your location:
>   [ ]  Can only be distributed amoungst debian developpers
>   [ ]  Can be put in a debian xearth package, but not distributed
>        outside (this is a _very_ silly option, but the current
>        statment in xearth.debian, see below).
>   [ ]  Please consider this GPL (or free-er), can be distributed
>        to anywhere.

what information do we want do distribute :
 Xeath coordinates
 no email addresses, house addresses etc.

-> public 

> This _is_ important, as the current xearth.debian file has the note
> that it can only be distributed in a _debian_ xearth package. 

aren't email addresses included in that file ?
some people don't like to give their email addresses to public.

> ----------------
>   What are your xearth coordinates (note that west of greenich is negative)?
>   What's your "home" email?
>   What's your "debian" email?
>   How can we redistribute the information about your location:
>     [ ]  Can only be distributed amoungst debian developpers
>     [ ]  Please consider it GPL.
> ----------------

not everyone know's his xearh coordinates.
please collect information about country/city.


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