Re: Moving some packages to the attic
On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Bruno Kleinert <> wrote:
> Point for you, Fuddl: 0, pabs: 1 ;)
> Ok, but you revived upstream ;)
> Personally, I once tried to integrate a dead project into Debian, but I stopped
> because of moving on APIs and stuff. So personally I won't do it again,
> others may do it of course.
Convincing them is the hard part, perhaps the "upstream upstream
upstream" motto can help here. I think we as people who have agreed to
uphold the Debian social contract have a responsibility to at least
try to improve the free software world at large, which also includes
reviving and keeping upstreams alive.
> Oh btw. I had a look at spacehero - DON'T REMOVE IT FROM THE ARCHIVE
> THAT GAME IS FUCKING GREAT FUN!!! :) I'll take care of spacehero!
Hehe :)
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