Re: Moving some packages to the attic
On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Bruno Kleinert <> wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 07.08.2010, 16:22 +0900 schrieb Ansgar Burchardt:
>> bsdgames (not maintained by us, Git outdated)
> If it's not our package, why did it end up in pkg-games? I'd suggest
> removal.
Perhaps we should invite the maintainer to join pkg-games hand help
maintain this and other games.
>> clanlib2
> Not sure about that. Maybe we could need it in the future for a game?
Clanlib upstream resently posted about a new release, perhaps we need
to ask them about games that use it. It would be a shame to lose that
connection with an upstream.
>> freeciv-tileset-hires (no work on this since 2005)
>> ogreal
>> slviewer
>> slviewer-artwork
>> slacehero
>> xmris
> Before removal we should see if these packages aren't worth to be
> maintained by us and see if upstream is still active. If something is
> dead upstream I'd suggest removal.
I'd like us to also start taking over dead upstream projects. It
doesn't take too much effort to integrate distro patches and keep
games at an acceptable level of maintainence upstream, at least for
relatively low complexity games. I've tried to do that for
chromium-bsu and done reasonably well, but so far failed to do that
for alex4, protozoa and others due to lack of time.
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