Packaging SDL_perl 2.5*, and frozen-bubble for Debian Experimental
Hello folks,
I am the maintainer for SDL_perl ( and over the past few months we have rewritten the SDL_perl API. We have lots of fixes and new improvements.( The new APi has more docs, and developers working on it. It is a massive improvement and needs to be updated on Debian.
In an attempt to release SDL_perl on Debian, we have also ported frozen-bubble to the new API. ( , Which is now a beta on the official frozen bubble site (
The only other package in Debian that depends on SDL_perl is pangzero. We have started to port it too ( But because the project seems dead upstream ( I am having a hard time finding space in my schedule for it. We need help porting this. I will be around to answer any questions for the folks. Also the #sdl channel has many people who have help migrate frozen-bubble on there.
Nevertheless this email is an attempt to get the process started to get SDL_perl 2.5* onto Debian and Ubuntu as we have many games we want to release with the new API.
Kartik Thakore
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