Re: Moving some packages to the attic
On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Bruno Kleinert <> wrote:
> As far as
> says he doesn't seem to maintain any other games stuff. So I'm not sure
> if it makes sense to invite him if he's only interested in bsdgames. But
> I won't stop anybody from doing so.
The point is that we need to grow the pkg-games team, getting an extra
person in exchange for a single package is probably a worthwile
> I had a glance at the Clanlib web page, but they don't seem to maintain
> a list with games using their library :(
Perhaps Mark Page will rectify that :)
> I think we should only dare to overtake dead projects that seam
> finished, well polished and have good code quality, in the sense of
> portability and only APIs that are known to be stable. Otherwise I would
> stronlgy suggest not so waste time and concentrate on other stuff.
chromium-bsu is hardly finished, polished or has great code quality,
personally I think it is still worth having in Debian and if I had
left the upstream project to rot instead of removing the non-free
stuff and reviving upstream it would be very sad. Same goes for
protozoa, alex4 and packages I maintain outside of the games team.
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