debian-desktop Oct 2006 by subject
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And in trouble
compiz behavior
Configuring soundcard for default desktop install
dandy daating sitee.
Re: Debian Artwork Proposals on wiki
Feel Pleasure from Let's face it, you always wanted it. And with this product you can finally get what you want - better size and its better usage!
the fought
kde task install - call for testers.
Manager has been on layoff
Offices have been closed permanently
Or to missy
Roadmap (was: Re: Debian Artwork Proposals on wiki)
Summary meeting (was: Re: Debian Artwork Proposals on wiki)
FWD: SummaryID debian-debbugs
update-manager for Etch
upper management position available
The last update was on 22:43 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 41 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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