debian-cd Jul 2011 by thread
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- Re: Stable images broken? Steve McIntyre
- Some CD image torrents "not authorized for use". Phil! Gold
- Documenting USB install Touko Korpela
- Тexнoлогия oргaнизации бюджeтнoго упрaвления Теxнология оpгaнизации бюджeтнoго упрaвления
- Anneler ve anne adayları! Hürriyet Aile
- Bug#614583: marked as done (debian-cd: Boot prompt for powerpc does not make install64 sufficiently prominent) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#619211: marked as done (debian-cd: Add hurd-i386 support) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#622622: marked as done (Priority of i386 kernel flavours) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#630805: marked as done (debian-cd: include apt-offline in debian CD#1) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of debian-cd_3.1.7_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
- debian-cd_3.1.7_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
- Отчeтнoсть за 1 полугодиe Прибыль, HДС, ЕСB, НДФЛ
- Bug#622622: closed by Steve McIntyre <> (Bug#622622: fixed in debian-cd 3.1.7) Ben Hutchings
- 7 этaпов организации бюджeтногo упpавлeния Бюджетнoe упpавлeние
- Processed: tagging 404212 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#280935: marked as done (debian-cd scripts should be modified to include only one version (with all variants - 686, k7, 586, etc.) of kernel-image-2.4.x and 2.6.x) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#377486: marked as done (Adding some development packages to first CD) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#387975: marked as done (i18n: dont separate soft and its i18n packages (vote rating use)) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#417051: marked as done (-k7 kernels currently on CD4; maybe move to earlier CD?) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#537841: marked as done (debian-cd copies vmlinuz to /install.386 whereas isolinux is configured to fetch it in /install) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Re: libburn/libisofs/libisoburn - point release, t-p-u or bpo George Danchev
- Oтчетнoсть зa 1 полугодиe Пpибыль, HДС, ЕСВ, HДФЛ
- Re: Updated CD images Steve McIntyre
- Теxнoлогия opгaнизации бюджeтнoго упpавления Бюджетнoe упpавлeние
- Saludos y pregunta ANTO
- How-to generate Debian Blue-ray from DVDs ? Alexey Eromenko
- Update Jona Ezedin
- err in html pavka
- install weekly iso 2011-07-18 Pavel Vorob`ev
- MBR bootable ISO images for GNU/kFreeBSD ? Thomas Schmitt
- Bug#635107: udev doesn't detect ide cdrom drive Alex Romosan
- DVD1 testing amd64 "bzcat not available" Baruch
- Bug#635260: debian-cd: Add gtk initrd to hurd-i386 images Samuel Thibault
- Bug#446086: marked as done ( Sarge CD image looks use the task override files of non-Sarge) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#608106: marked as done (http code 403 for daily amd64 isos - Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#619691: marked as done (Provide lists of CD etc. contents) Debian Bug Tracking System
- bittorrent seeder David Leggett
- Bug#635363: Fake bug to allow testing of cdimage scripts Otavio Salvador
- [PATCH] s/686-bigmem/686-pae in wheezy exclude-udebs Ian Campbell
- di/cd/release meetup at DebConf Neil McGovern
- Jigdo daily images Adam Baxter
- Torrent error John Combs
The last update was on 14:56 GMT Mon May 30. There are 81 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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