Bug#446086: marked as done (cdimage.debian.org: Sarge CD image looks use the task override files of non-Sarge)
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regarding cdimage.debian.org: Sarge CD image looks use the task override files of non-Sarge
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--- Begin Message ---
- To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
- Subject: cdimage.debian.org: Sarge CD image looks use the task override files of non-Sarge
- From: Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org>
- Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 21:36:46 +0900
- Message-id: <20071010123629.0F8D51A7325@mail.topstudio.co.jp>
Package: cdimage.debian.org
Severity: important
Version: 3.1r6a
I noticed (at least) Sarge DVD i386 image 1 had been built with
non-Sarge (Etch or Sid) task override files.
This bug hits users who want to choose a task such as desktop, with
using only the Sarge DVD/CD.
For example, desktop task in the DVD forgets x-window-system package.
Kenshi Muto
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Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com
Who needs computer imagery when you've got Brian Blessed?
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