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Re: Wheezy size

Richard Owlett wrote:
> OK, it is a hot button issue with me as I'm on dialup. Causes me to
> wait until DVD's are available from vendors.

I don't understand how having or not having DVD isos on the Debian ftp
site affects you.  You say you are on dialup.  You are not going to be
able to download those extra 7 DVDs worth of iso even if they were
available.  Therefore having them as an iso on the Debian site can't
help you anyway.  Even if they were there you could not use them.

I also know from previous correspondence with you that you have
requirements for specific point release versions of Debian.  It is
unlikely that the specific point release version you desire will be
available after the next point release is made.

> I've a physically small install of squeeze and I seem to recall
> loading something from DVD 8 or 9.

You loaded "something".  Very likely.  But would that not have been
most efficiently downloade over the dialup for just that single
package?  Tens of thousands of packages.  You need something from the
large set of them.  Just download that single something?

I will also suggest apt-cacher-ng as being a good tool to cache
downloaded debs for multiple installs so that they never need to be
transported twice.

> I will wait for the full set of DVD's to be available. For my
> personal wants/needs/preferences/quirks that is the best solution
> and definitely worth the {cost}/{hassle removed}.

Or if you have a location with a faster than dialup internet
connection, a buddy, a library, you could make your own using
jigdo-lite.  We have conversed about this before.  I wrote up notes in
debian-user for you about it.


The DVD images are available to be created easily for the users who
need them.

> Raises the question "Will the complete set be available from
> vendor/vendors listed at http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/ ?"

I hope that many vendors will make the full set of DVDs available.
But you would need to ask them those specific questions.  It might
prompt them to make them available knowing that there are users with
your needs that would purchase them.  It might speed them along.


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