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Re: [GsoC] your latest commit of tasks_udd.py


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> wrote:
> Hi Akshita,
> While debian-med, debian-science and debian-games are OK, I spotted
> an error in debian-gis:
> $ ./tasks_udd.py debian-gis
> UndefinedError while rendering task workstation for lang en.
> {} has no member named "short"
> UndefinedError while trying to render long package list for lang en.
> {} has no member named "short"
> UndefinedError while rendering task workstation for lang cs.
> {} has no member named "short"
> UndefinedError while trying to render long package list for lang cs.
> {} has no member named "short"
> UndefinedError while rendering task workstation for lang da.
> {} has no member named "short"
> ...
> Are you able to reproduce and fix this?

I have fixed this error. It was due to a package h5utils in task workstation in debian-gis. The short/long description of h5utils in english is missing from the tasks pages created although the description is present in UDD.

udd=# SELECT DISTINCT b.package, p.description, d.long_description FROM blends_dependencies b JOIN packages p ON p.package=b.package JOIN descriptions d ON d.package=p.package AND d.description_md5=p.description_md5 WHERE b.blend='debian-gis' AND b.task='workstation' AND p.package = 'h5utils' AND d.language='en';

 package |          description           |                         long_description                         
 h5utils | HDF5 files visualization tools |  HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) is a file format for storing  +
         |                                |  scientific data. These tools allow to convert other formats to  +
         |                                |  HDF5 and to visualize HDF5 files. They include:                 +
         |                                |   - h5topng, which extracts a 2d slice of an HDF5 file and       +
         |                                |     outputs a corresponding image in PNG format;                 +
         |                                |   - h5totxt, which extracts 2d slices and outputs comma-delimited+
         |                                |     text (suitable for import into a spreadsheet);               +
         |                                |   - h5fromtxt, which converts simple text input into             +
         |                                |     multi-dimensional numeric HDF5 datasets;                     +
         |                                |   - h5fromh4, which converts HDF4 data to HDF5;                  +
         |                                |   - h5tovtk, which converts HDF5 files to VTK files for          +
         |                                |     visualization with VTK-aware programs;                       +
         |                                |   - h5read, a plugin for the Octave numerical language.          +

This is similar to the error which was reported for debian-science [0] and solved [1].

Can you please test these changes ? Do you also face the same " ??? missing short description " issue ?


[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-blends/2015/04/msg00038.html
[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-blends/2015/05/msg00053.html

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