debian-apache Sep 2008 by thread
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- Bug#497362: /etc/apache2/conf.d/security: ServerTokens config file documentation wrong Thijs Kinkhorst
- [SPAM 47.90] Соберем для Вас по сeти интернет базу дaнных пoтенциальных клиeнтов для Вашeго Бизнecа (нaзвaниe, pод дeятельнoсти, тeлeфoн, фaкс, e-mail,www) Бoлeе пoдрoбно Bы мoжeтe узнaть пo телeфoнy +79133913837 ICQ: 6288862 Email: Skype: prodawez apache
- apr-util 1.2.12+dfsg-8 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
- Bug#497534: apache2.2-common: /etc/init.d/apache2 / apache2ctl not reporting error return code when apache2 segfaults Olivier Berger
- Bug#497065: Please build two binaries, one with inflated depends and one without Tollef Fog Heen
- El saludo!
- Holiday Festivities at The Beacon Hotel tglenn
- Bug#497735: /etc/init.d/apache2 stop failed Glenn English
- Bug#327412: Hoarded gassoline led to fire Lacrue Grismer
- Bug#493573: apache2: Restart and reload does not work Vladislav Kurz
- Processed: found 497735 in 2.2.3-4, fixed 497735 in 2.2.6-1, tagging 497735, tagging 497307, tagging 488333 ... Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 497362, tagging 495110 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#493573: marked as done (apache2: Restart and reload does not work) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#489957: Why not move /etc/apache2/envvars to /etc/default/apache2 ? Stefan Fritsch
- Processed: found 488333 in 2.2.3-4, fixed 488333 in 2.2.9-1, tagging 497307, tagging 489957 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Release notes Stefan Fritsch
- Bug#497307: apache2.2-common: /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 should reload, not restart Stefan Fritsch
- Bug#496080: apache2 ceased to correctly serve files as spanish text/html and changed to serve as text/ecmascript Stefan Fritsch
- Processed: severity of 496080 is important Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#157734: Службa e-mail рассылок Хамза Узков
- Processed: unarchiving 470652 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#137468: Реклама для Вaшего предприятия Йоуко Бабин
- Bug#92052: Службa доставки рекламы Фаиз Станислав
- Processing of apache2_2.2.3-4+etch6_i386.changes Archive Administrator
- apache2 override disparity Debian Installer
- Bug#287012: Elevatoor gets revenge on two passeengers Lance Lacek
- Processed: tagging 496080 Debian Bug Tracking System
- apache2_2.2.3-4+etch6_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Bug#470652: marked as done (apache2.2-common: mod_cache doesn't handle If-Range correctly) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#489899: marked as done (apache2-utils htpasswd bogus compromised md5 factor) Debian Bug Tracking System
- - Newsletter - c. 55 - Rast priemernych miezd a la Fico newsletter
- Processing of apache2_2.2.9-8_i386.changes Archive Administrator
- apache2_2.2.9-8_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Bug#496080: marked as done (apache2 ceased to correctly serve files as spanish text/html and changed to serve as text/ecmascript) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: notfixed 496080 in 2.2.9-6 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: notfixed 496080 in 2.2.9-8 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#498624: release-notes: Document apache2 changes requiring manual config changes Stefan Fritsch
- Processing of apache2_2.2.9-9_i386.changes Archive Administrator
- apache2_2.2.9-9_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Processed: reopening 496080 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Бaзы данныx пoтeнциальных kлиентов для вcех видов Бизнeсa apache
- Bug#499191: apache2-suexec-custom: Allow execution of programs owned by root Alexander Prinsier
- Побережье Черного моря. Элитная база отдыха. Продажа. (update) realtykiev1
- Bug#499308: missing dependency on mktemp Max Kellermann
- Bug#499418: New configuration of apache2.conf on lenny causes a syntax error Arthur Furlan
- Automação de Usinas de Alcool Balanças Saturno
- kredit tanpa agunan 5 hr saja.. windy09
- Suggestion pour votre site web support
- Сдаем нежилое помещение 98 кв м в Москве apache
- Bug#499978: ssl-cert: [INTL:nl] Dutch translation for po-debconf template Paul Gevers
- Processing of ssl-cert_1.0.23_i386.changes Archive Administrator
- ssl-cert_1.0.23_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Bug#500131: apache2-mpm-prefork: custom ErrorDocument 500 directive sends empty response body with mpm-prefork Kari Asikainen
- Processed: tagging 500131 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#500292: apache2 configs Lux In Tenebris
- Processing of apr_1.3.3-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
- apr_1.3.3-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Предлагается к продаже. Земельный участок в Конче-Заспе. Р-н Большой Дамбы. Площадь от 75 coтok realtykiev1
- Processed: sendfile bails out with error Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: severity of 494768 is normal, tagging 494768 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#494768: sendfile bails out with error Stefan Fritsch
- primeiro contato Thais - Vintage
- Be safe and question medicare seniorscontrol
- Bug#500558: apache2.2-common: Apache fails to start on boot after upgrade Etch -> Lenny Micha Lenk
- - Newsletter - c. 56 - Niekto si nespravil domace ulohy newsletter
- Bug#419526: marked as done ([INTL:ml] Updated Malayalam debconf template translation of APACHE) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#494768: problem remains in 2.6.26-5 cfeller
- Welcome government buyers! The Eastwood Company
The last update was on 12:22 GMT Sun Jun 23. There are 91 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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