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Re: OT, Re: Which softwares to install ?


D.J.J. Ring wrote:
> He just suggested that if anyone wanted to they could try the new F4
> (to me) GTK accessible greeter that he had just put in Slint, they
> could by using the new beta just mentioned there first SLINT iso.

He could also have suggested to try it in Debian 11, which does have it
all the same.

D.J.J. Ring wrote:
> Anyone could have chimed in to say Debian has that to, 

Sure, but after the slint hint, leading to "comparing distributions on
random reasons", I'll detail below.

D.J.J. Ring wrote:
> He offended no one, no distribution,

Not explicitly, but:

D.J.J. Ring wrote:
> I've never heard of this greeter,

That is actually the kind of thing that I meant previously by "leaving
the user confused". F4 is not a different greeter, it is just a shortcut
in the lightdm GTK greeter (which indeed is extremely lightweigh). That
shortcut is not that old, though, it was not in debian 10 apparently, it
was enabled in 2020, in time for Debian 11.

But the way Didier presented the feature happened to make it seem that
it was new only in slint, and you got confused over that. That's what I
call "comparing distribution on random reasons". Even if not explicitly,
and very probably not made consciously on purpose by Didier, the result
was the same: that induced some FUD.


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