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Re: OT, Re: Which softwares to install ?


I'm sorry I have overreacted.

D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Didier wrote:
> > Le 18/07/2022 à 00:47, Samuel Thibault a écrit :
> > > I guess he means the lightdm login page?  Normally if the system was
> > > installed with speech/braille enabled, orca is enabled on the login page
> > > as well. Otherwise IIRC lightdm has a shortcut to start orca.
> > 
> > Correct, but probably it depends on the greeter in use.
> > For the GTK greeter it's F4
> > I just uploaded an ISO with it, for who has some time to kill:
> > [3]https://slackware.uk/slint/x86_64/slint-15.0/iso/
> Didier illustrates the GTK greeter, which is F4.

Well, yes and no. He also redirects to another distribution, thus
unrelated to the question which was about Debian, actually without
saying that this is another distribution, and thus leaving the user
with possibly thinking that it's an updated Debian ISO, and thus even

Yes it is in some way on-topic since it's about accessibility. But this
is something I have already noticed several times in Didier's mails that
he puts not-so-related notes about Slint in other mailing lists (which
is what "hijacking a thread" means).

I also had a look at the archive, only to notice that there haven't been
occurrences in the past months, so I indeed overreacted due to past load
that my brain refused to forget, I'm sorry about that.


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