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Re: OT, Re: Which softwares to install ?

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022, 3:30 PM Samuel Thibault <sthibault@debian.org> wrote:
Samuel wrote:

Again, can we just *please* avoid a drama and assume good faith even if
we all make mistakes here and there. For real.


Of course, we can, but if you got triggered by what Didier said, there is nothing in what he said that should trigger anyone. He just suggested that if anyone wanted to they could try the new F4 (to me) GTK accessible greeter that he had just put in Slint, they could by using the new beta just mentioned there first SLINT iso. He offended no one, no distribution, he simply answered a previous comment and gave an illustration of where that greeter could be seen. Anyone could have chimed in to say Debian has that to, 

If Debian has this, I would have much preferred a mention of "we have that new F4 GTK greeter in Debian_beta.iso and it's in a Live version of Debian so anyone can try it.

Does Debian have this F4 GTK greeter, if so which release has it, and what are the advantages of it especially with regards to accessibility? Is it better? Is it easier to use?  How does it make life better for us that rely on the ongoing work of accessibility? All I know of is the LightDM GTK greeter,

I've never heard of this greeter, hopefully it's low memory application because I use such an old computer, I need to use light weight applications and if I can just never run the graphic user interface at all and do everything on text mode console user interface where I don't have to play with a mouse interfacing with a screen that I can't read that can have multiple windows overlapping each other.

Mostly greeters take up valuable memory that can be avoided by logging in with console and then typing "startx".

Doing that reminds users that there is text mode that is underneath the graphics that can do many wonderful things.

Best wishes,


Thanks to all for all the continued work you're doing for all of us.



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