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Re: regexp [était :Re: v. 0.0.1... ]

Jérôme Marant <jerome.marant@fr.thalesgroup.com> writes:

>   Je vous enverrai le document que j'ai évoqué ce soir.

Voici le document promis (merci à Sébastien Blondeel pour son aide) :


Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science* (J. van Leeuwen, managing
ed.), volume B, article de D. Perrin (« Finite Automata »),
section 9, notes sur la section 2 :

« The terminology on finite automata is not presently standard.  It is
very common that *rational expressions* are called *regular expressions*
and correspondingly that rational sets are called *regular sets*.  The
terms *rational* and *recognizable* have been systematically used in
Eilenberg's book [*Automata, Languages and Machines*, Academic Press].
The adjective rational emphasizes the analogy between rational
expressions and rational power series or fractions as used in classical
algebra. »


Nous pouvons donc clore le débat ;-)

Jérôme Marant <jerome.marant@free.fr>


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