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Re: coordination? (was: APT 0.6 development: who to synchronize with?)

also sprach Michael Vogt <mvo@debian.org> [2005.05.08.1114 +0200]:
> I don't think that the development was moved away from the public.

Well, I haven't seen anything ever since Florian announced that he
was going to coordinate APT 0.6.

> The recent move from cvs to arch made the development more public
> and a lot easier than it was before.

Interesting statement, though I am unaware how arch makes something
more public than CVS.

> Now it's just a matter to branch of Matt's main tree and start
> working on a bugfix or a feature.

In a chaotic manner? Without a request tracker, coordination wiki,
mailing list, or instructions on how to proceed?

Note that I am aware that I could probably invest an hour to figure
out how you guys go about it, and I certainly am not trying to bitch
here to pretend that it's you rather than my lack of time, which
have prevented me from working on APT. Nevertheless, it should
probably in the interest of everyone to make it as easy as possible
to motivated people to help out. Right now, that's not the case.

And on a related note: I did spend 2 hours some time ago to review
Peter Palfrader's patch for a better key management solution.
I posted my results here, but I never received any comment.

If APT development is really about "just branch Matt's main tree"
and get going, then so it be. If there is anything else worth
knowing, maybe the responsible parties (Florian, Matt, ...) could
announce how they envision development?

> It's very easy for Matt to review and merge changes/patches this
> way, especially if each feature get's it's own branch. Keeping in
> sync with Matt's tree is easy too, so even if patches are not
> accepted it's still easy to keep them in sync with the mainline
> tree. And it's easier than before to see what happens in the other
> apt branches (e.g. in the apt--pdiff branch) by just registering
> the archive and following it's development.

CVS could do all of the above, though I agree that arch certainly
does it in a nicer and more intuitive way.

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