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Re: resource availability and (naive) ideas

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:30, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz@princessleia.com> wrote:
> The good thing about the packaging process is that while the process
> you go through to *get it into the archive* differs and revision
> control tools differ (bzr vs git and still some svn), actual creation
> of packages in Ubuntu and Debian is pretty much the same.

hmm...what I was referring to was the more focussed team-approach to
packaging in debian (for the most part) as compared to ubuntu iirc.
Mileages may vary (and its my personal opinion) that the former
approach would help me get deeper domain specific knowledge (whether
its coding or packaging). I'd like to have more focus on, say,
"python" specific packages and more finer focus on the "domain/area"
so to speak--I dont want to do packaging because I want to see my name
in the *-maintainer field, rather do packaging because I want to
improve my coding (read development) skills which is in a domain where
I can learn and get deeper knowledge, else am afraid I'd lose interest
from a long-term perspective. To explain, I'd rather not touch python
packages in gnome because that is not my area of interest. I may be
wrong about the above but would be happy if someone can explain why
I'm wrong.

> Plus Ubuntu has really been pushing for folks to contribute directly
> to Debian anyway, so I really think any packaging-directed classes
> held on the Debian side, regardless of what part of the process they
> cover, would be beneficial to UW too.

The nicest thing is the increased collaboration between the distros. I
hope it stays that way!

vid || http://svaksha.com

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