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Re: shebuntu debian project

Hi all,

I'm new to Debian-women, that's my first posting on the list ;o)

I agree with plenty of the remarks made here (Eric's, Miriam's ones and so on). I'd like to addsome critics in a constructive fashion. I find a woman-focused distribution a bad idea... In other words, creating something focused on a stereotype of what woman is is so reducing and sexist. Putting pink or flowers or some 'girly' stuff is so, too. There's no A women's unique profile, there are as many profiles as there are women in the world. Creating a distribution orientated to a special human group is admitting that this group has special needs. That is a biased vision. I'm a woman, my background isn't in computer science. But I use Debian Sid and Ubuntu and ArchLinux (as well as I can...). No pink, no flowers, no poneys, no butterflies.

If a woman isn't interested in informatics, it's partly because little girls read books on stupid princess saved by a very clever prince or dumb stuff from that kind. I'm not really sure that creating something special like shebuntu will change thet thing. I think that it would be far more interesting for all of us that some men stop considering us like helpless children or making complexes when, surprisingly for them, we know more...

Have a nice day,

2009/9/30 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 01:45:29AM +0200, Miriam Ruiz wrote:

> Debian, btw). I understand that you might be really angry with the
> italian society, but please try to avoid generalizations and
> stereotyping.

In Myriam's defense I have to say that everything in Italy at the moment
seems to frame the mass stereotypes as models to follow, and to hide the
real good examples into oblivion[1]. And indeed many are now looking for
ways to move abroad.

My reaction after seeing the pinky distribution with horoscopes for the
girlz coming from a well-intentioned Italian was similar to Myriam's: I
had a feeling like it just had to happen.

But you are right of course: generalisation is just a way to spread the
stereotypes even more. Just like saying "people from Sicily like Mafia"
is, in essence, a way to isolate those of them who don't.



[1] At least, those who do not speak up. Those who do, are beaten up,
lose their job, or get sued for slander on a judicial system biased
against people without teams of lawyers and cartloads of money.
GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


"Change l'ordre du monde plutôt que tes désirs."

PhD Student
"Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics"
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) of Munich
Grosshaderner Str. 2
82152 Planegg-Martinsried

What happens when you've worked too long in the lab :
*You wonder what absolute alcohol tastes like with orange juice.
*Warning labels invoke curiosity rather than caution.
*The Christmas nightout reveals scientists can't dance, although a formula for the movement of hands and feet combined with beats per min is found scrawled on a napkin by a waiter the next day.
*When you have twins, you call one of them John and the other - Control.

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