debian-wnpp Oct 2018 by subject

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Bug#258096: marked as done (ITP: glom -- A database designer and user interface) Bug#395573: RFP: visit -- interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool Bug#441136: marked as done (RFP: jfftw -- Java library to perform Fast Fourier) Bug#453471: marked as done (RFP: libradeox-java -- wiki render engine for Java) Bug#460390: marked as done (O: libytnef -- improved decoder for application/ms-tnef attachments) Bug#468325: marked as done (RFP: urbanterror -- Quake 3 based first person shooter) Bug#493254: marked as done (RFP: libform-processor-perl -- Validate and process form data) Bug#509644: marked as done (ITA: mgp -- MagicPoint - an X11-based presentation tool) Bug#514063: marked as done (RFP: libjit -- Just-In-Time compiler library) Bug#573570: marked as done (RFP: chive -- web-based database management tool) Bug#589900: marked as done (RFP: pam-face-authentication -- a pluggable authentication module for face authentication) Bug#602929: marked as done (RFP: libdigest-md6-perl -- Perl interface to the MD6 Algorithm) Bug#606161: marked as done (RFP: openframeworks -- A C++ toolkit for creative coding) Bug#617617: marked as done (RFP: beatbox -- A music player written in vala) Bug#620507: ITA: eterm -- Enlightened Terminal Emulator Bug#644555: marked as done (RFA: pysieved -- managesieve server) Bug#651368: marked as done (ITP: node-mongodb -- node.js driver for MongoDB) Bug#657452: marked as done (RFP: beagrep -- beagrep = beagle + grep. It use beagle to find the set of possible matching files, then runs grep on this set only.) Bug#657453: marked as done (RFP: beagrep -- beagrep = beagle + grep. It use beagle to find the set of possible matching files, then runs grep on this set only.) Bug#657824: marked as done (RFP: fftpack -- FORTRAN library of fast Fourier transforms) Bug#658283: marked as done (RFP: glade2script -- <missing description>) Bug#660687: ITA: xml-core -- XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support Bug#673973: marked as done (RFP: libwww-tumblr-perl -- Perl interface for the Tumblr API) Bug#679078: marked as done (RFP: acpi-support-minimal -- minimal acpi scripts) Bug#680061: marked as done (RFP: clean-compiler -- The Clean language compiler) Bug#681509: marked as done (RFP: google-apps -- command line tool to manage Google Apps via API 2.0) Bug#681918: marked as done (RFP: libgwtorm-java -- tiny Object-Relational-Mapper library used by Gerrit) Bug#681920: marked as done (RFP: libgwtjsonrpc-java -- JSON based GWT-RPC implementation) Bug#681924: marked as done (RFP: libgwtexpui-java -- Extended UI tools for GWT) Bug#682698: marked as done (RFP: sylkserver -- SIP and XMPP conferencing) Bug#683846: marked as done (RFP: cedilla -- plain text formatter with support for Latin-Greek-Cyrillic and PostScript) Bug#684430: marked as done (RFP: nagios-plugins-ldap-ltb -- LDAP Tool Box (ltb) nagios plugins) Bug#684467: marked as done (RFP: tuxfight -- Fighting game between tuxes in the style of Street Fighter/King of Fighters) Bug#685286: marked as done (RFP: pyadb -- Python module to interact with the ADB tool) Bug#685363: marked as done (RFP: impressive-editor -- Editor for Impressive presentation tool) Bug#685761: marked as done (RFP: simplecv -- SimpleCV, The opensource framework for computer vision) Bug#686334: marked as done (RFP: php-yubico -- PHP PEAR module for verifying Yubico YubiKey One-Time Passwords) Bug#686357: marked as done (RFP: python-network -- python module for easy networking) Bug#686669: marked as done (RFP: duprepare -- Prepare system backup volume sources to be processed by duplicity) Bug#686834: marked as done (RFP: chive -- web-based database management tool) Bug#687222: marked as done (RFP: xrootd -- Extendend ROOT Remote File server) Bug#687533: marked as done (RFP: xpresser -- Xpresser, Python library to automate GUI) Bug#687543: marked as done (RFP: udpxy -- udpxy is a UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon) Bug#688627: marked as done (RFP: genivi-audio-manager -- Low level audio manager controller) Bug#688629: marked as done (RFP: genivi-layer-management -- Applications in an automobile are often stand-alone implementations, not integrated into a coherent whole. The Layer Management software is designed to provide a vendor-specific layer management implementation that unifies look and feel.) Bug#688826: marked as done (RFP: libarchive-rar-perl -- interface for the 'rar' command) Bug#689714: marked as done (RFP: luma -- LDAP browser and administration utility) Bug#690032: marked as done (RFP: bombono-dvd -- DVD authoring program with nice and clean GUI) Bug#690441: marked as done (RFP: eclipse-adt -- develop Android applications within Eclipse) Bug#690489: marked as done (RFP: libjs-jstat -- A JavaScript statistical library) Bug#690496: marked as done (RFP: libjs-jstat -- A JavaScript statistical library) Bug#690546: marked as done (RFP: r-cran-performanceanalytics -- GNU R econometric package for performance and risk analysis) Bug#714305: marked as done (O: openinbrowser -- open files directly in the browser) Bug#714836: ITP: qucs -- an integrated circuit simulator with a GUI Bug#720368: marked as done (RFP: gnome-shell-extension-netspeed -- Displays Internet Speed) Bug#721258: marked as done (RFP: pidgin-status-rss -- update Pidgin instant messenger's status rom an RSS feed) Bug#721265: marked as done (RFP: pidgin-window-merge -- A Pidgin plugin that merges the Buddy List window with a conversation window) Bug#721293: marked as done (RFP: nodupe -- merge info from several addressbooks) Bug#721632: marked as done (RFP: wxpdfdoc -- wxPdfDocument allows wxWidgets applications to generate PDF documents.) Bug#721843: marked as done (RFP: ladspa-nova -- A set of high-resolution ladspa filters) Bug#722203: marked as done (RFP: kmp -- Kid's Media Player - audio and video player designed especially for children) Bug#722204: marked as done (RFP: hrpg -- Command line interface to HabitRPG) Bug#723012: marked as done (RFP: fonts-liberastika -- Fork of Liberation fonts with improved cyrillics) Bug#723109: marked as done (RFP: markdowner -- A two-pane editing tool for creating in Markdown and cross-walking to HTML) Bug#730993: marked as done (O: cl-mcclim -- Common Lisp graphic user interface toolkit) Bug#730994: marked as done (O: cl-spatial-trees -- spatial trees Common Lisp library) Bug#730996: marked as done (O: cl-flexichain -- an efficient gap buffer implementation in Common Lisp) Bug#751844: marked as done (RFA: python-formalchemy -- HTML input form fields from your SQLAlchemy mapped classes) Bug#761833: marked as done (O: promoe -- GUI client for XMMS2) Bug#768073: [pkg-lxc-devel] Bug#768073: LXD packaging (and lxc-go plus a little bit of salsa) Bug#773741: marked as done (RFA: opennebula -- controller which executes the OpenNebula cluster services) Bug#773951: marked as done (O: dvips-fontdata-n2bk -- Virtual font data to process dvi files generated by NTT-JTeX) Bug#783315: marked as done (RFA: doctrine-sphinx-theme -- Sphinx theme used by Doctrine) Bug#784111: Removal of libxsettings is now possible Bug#788040: (no subject) Bug#792380: ITP: chkboot -- a tool to help detect changes to an unencrypted /boot partition Bug#795696: marked as done (O: pidgin-gmchess -- pidgin integration with gmchess) Bug#800156: marked as done (O: lyz -- connect zotero to lyx) Bug#803789: RFP: RasterView -- a simple GUI image viewer for CUPS and PWG Raster files Bug#807717: marked as done (RFP: ttf-fxemoji -- Firefox OS Emojis) Bug#809073: marked as done (RFA: scilab-plotlib -- "Matlab-like" Plotting library for Scilab) Bug#811377: closed by Dmitry Bogatov <> (Bug#811377: fixed in sysvinit 2.88dsf-60) Bug#811377: marked as done (RFA: sysvinit -- System-V-like init utilities - transitional package) Bug#813499: marked as done (O: virtuoso-opensource -- high-performance database) Bug#821397: (no subject) Bug#821397: ITP tagged as pending? Bug#824520: Just don't Bug#826464: package adoption Bug#827236: please add sqlitestudio to maintained packages Bug#833460: marked as done (O: open-cobol -- cobol compiler) Bug#840029: marked as done (O: apipkg -- namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python) Bug#840032: marked as done (O: execnet -- rapid multi-Python deployment) Bug#840048: marked as done (O: doc-linux-pl -- Linux docs in Polish: HOWTO - ascii version) Bug#841534: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-barbican -- Puppet module for OpenStack Barbican) Bug#842828: RFP: bootstrap4 -- HTML, CSS, and JS framework Bug#843359: marked as done (O: yapps2 -- Yet Another Python Parser System) Bug#847613: TAG: nextcloud-client -- desktop client for nextcloud Bug#847833: marked as done (RFP: zram-tools -- Scripts for managing and monitoring zram usage) Bug#851309: first basic version, but will probably need some more work Bug#854161: marked as done (RFP: node-is-utf8) Bug#854504: marked as done (RFP: node-is-ci -- Detect if your code is running on a CI server) Bug#854572: marked as done (ITP: node-clean-stack -- Clean up error stack traces) Bug#856967: marked as done (RFP: zef -- per6 package manager) Bug#860552: marked as done (RFA: rbtools -- set of client tools to use with Review Board) Bug#862524: RFP: nvidia-cudnn/6.0 -- NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library Bug#862649: Dead upstream Bug#864079: ITP: backuppc-rsync -- rsync optimised for BackupPC backup utility Bug#864358: Two ITPs for different packages named bitfield Bug#864581: marked as done (O: bzr-tweet -- Bazaar commit and push tweet plugin) Bug#867274: ITP: libjs-webrtc-adapter -- shim to insulate apps from WebRTC spec changes and browser prefix differences Bug#868050: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-shibukawa-configdir -- Configuration directories handling for Go) Bug#868351: marked as done (RFA: classic-theme-restorer -- customize the new Firefox interface) Bug#868895: xtensa toolchain(s) Bug#869138: fonts-sil-tagmukay stuck in NEW? Bug#871594: mediawiki-extensions-universallanguageselector - package description not really understandable Bug#875603: ITP: python-hvac -- Python 2/3 client for HashiCorp Vault Bug#876067: marked as done (ITP: node-axios -- Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js) Bug#876648: marked as done (O: grafana -- feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor) Bug#877019: ITP: nix -- Purely functional package manager Bug#878292: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-voronoi -- Compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points) Bug#878730: marked as done (O: gmediaserver -- UPnP Mediaserver) Bug#879551: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2 -- An implementation of JOSE standards (JWE, JWS, JWT) in Go) Bug#879693: marked as done (ITP: node-ignore-walk -- Recursively parses and filters .ignore files in a directory) Bug#879741: RFH: phpmyadmin -- MySQL web administration tool Bug#880434: marked as done (ITA: guile-lib -- Library of useful Guile modules) Bug#881159: marked as done (ITP: node-autoprefixer -- add vendor prefixes to CSS rules) Bug#881169: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-selector-parser -- methods for working with selector strings) Bug#881172: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-calc -- PostCSS plugin to reduce calc()) Bug#883447: marked as done (ITP: node-css-tree -- toolset to work with CSS) Bug#884308: marked as done (ITP: node-jquery-mousewheel -- jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support) Bug#884380: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-discard-duplicates -- Discard duplicate rules in your CSS files with PostCSS) Bug#884389: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-discard-empty -- Discard empty rules and values with PostCSS) Bug#884398: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-discard-overridden -- PostCSS plugin to discard overridden @keyframes or @counter-style) Bug#884427: closing Bug#884427: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-discard-unused -- Discard unused counter styles, keyframes and fonts) Bug#884435: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-merge-idents -- Merge keyframe and counter style identifiers) Bug#885137: It's also a dep for rollup-plugin-terser Bug#885137: marked as done (ITP: node-serialize-javascript -- Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON) Bug#885152: ITP: intel-me-cleaner -- Tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images Bug#885165: marked as done (ITP: node-is-cidr -- Check if a string is an IP address in CIDR notation) Bug#885403: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-merge-rules -- Merge CSS rules with PostCSS) Bug#885849: marked as done (ITP: node-gentle-fs -- It is a standalone library for "gently" remove or link directories.) Bug#885861: marked as done (ITP: node-dezalgo -- runs the supplied callback at the end of the current run-to-completion) Bug#885900: marked as done (ITP: node-knockout -- JavaScript MVVM framework) Bug#885978: marked as done (ITP: node-lightgallery -- Modular lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery) Bug#885982: marked as done (O: grafana-zabbix -- Zabbix datasource for Grafana) Bug#886213: marked as done (ITP: node-detect-port-alt -- detect available port) Bug#886411: marked as done (ITP: node-react -- JavaScript library for building user interfaces) Bug#886519: marked as done (ITP: node-asap -- The asap function executes a task as soon as possible but not before it returns, waiting only for the completion of the current event and previously scheduled tasks.) Bug#886866: marked as done (ITP: node-dnscache -- Dns cache for Node.js) Bug#887052: marked as done (ITP: node-is-callable -- Find out if Functions or GeneratorFunctions are callable) Bug#887079: marked as done (ITP: node-emoji-unicode-version -- Get the unicode version for a given emoji name) Bug#887141: marked as done (ITP: node-foreach -- foreach component + npm package) Bug#887167: marked as done (ITP: node-es-abstract -- ECMAScript spec abstract operations) Bug#887490: BackupPC 4.x and BackupPC 3.3.2 (was: Re: Offering my help to be part of team) Bug#887490: O: backuppc -- high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs Bug#887490: Offering my help to be part of team Bug#887491: ITA: libbackuppc-xs-perl Bug#887493: marked as done (ITP: node-alphanum-sort -- Alphanumeric sorting algorithm) Bug#887565: ITP: retitle 887565 ITP: python-vlc -- Python bindings for VLC Bug#887565: RFS: python-vlc/3.0.102-1 [ITP] Bug#887605: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-minify-params -- Minify at-rule params with PostCSS) Bug#887609: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-minify-selectors -- Minify selectors with PostCSS) Bug#887626: marked as done (ITP: node-raven-js -- JavaScript client for Sentry) Bug#887747: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast -- video recording extension for the GNOME shell Bug#887809: Info received (Bug#887809: RFP: borgmatic -- A wrapper script for Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups) Bug#887895: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-minify-gradients -- Minify gradient parameters with PostCSS) Bug#887896: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-normalize-charset -- Add necessary or remove extra charset with PostCSS) Bug#887897: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-ordered-values -- Ensure values are ordered consistently in your CSS) Bug#888265: Bug#888527: RFS: hollywood/1.12-1 [ITP] Bug#888265: marked as done (ITP: hollywood -- fill your console with Hollywood melodrama technobabble) Bug#888436: marked as done (ITP: cloudkitty-dashboard -- Rating as a Service OpenStack Horizon pluggin) Bug#888489: marked as done (ITP: ngspice-dfsg -- Spice circuit simulator - DFSG compatible parts) Bug#888671: marked as done (ITP: node-npm-install-checks -- A package that contains checks that npm runs during the installation.) Bug#888813: ITP: micro -- a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor Bug#888825: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-svgo -- Optimise inline SVG with PostCSS) Bug#888826: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-reduce-idents -- Reduce custom identifiers with PostCSS) Bug#888827: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-reduce-initial -- Reduce initial definitions to the actual initial value, where possible) Bug#888830: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-reduce-transforms -- Reduce transform functions with PostCSS) Bug#888834: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-normalize-url -- Normalize URLs with PostCSS) Bug#889955: marked as done (ITP: node-import-local -- Use a locally installed version if available) Bug#889976: marked as done (ITP: node-package-hash -- hash for an installed npm package) Bug#890080: marked as done (ITP: node-clone-response -- Clone a Node.js HTTP response stream) Bug#890473: marked as done (ITP: lunarg-vulkan-tutorial -- LunarG Vulkan API) Bug#890503: intend to adopt Bug#890503: marked as done (ITA: oregano -- tool for schematical capture of) Bug#890503: RFA: oregano -- tool for schematical capture of electronic circuits Bug#891237: marked as done (ITP: xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin -- plugin to display status notifiers in the Xfce4 panel) Bug#891486: marked as done (ITP: pipenv -- python development workflow for humans) Bug#892663: marked as done (ITP: node-keyv -- Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends) Bug#892842: RFP: kotlin -- Statically typed programming language Bug#893056: marked as done (ITP: libpe1 -- The PE library used by pev) Bug#893807: marked as done (ITP: libudis86 -- Disassembler Library for x86 and x86-64) Bug#894260: Fwd: Bug#910913 closed by Bart Martens (closing RFS: ghostwriter/1.7.3-1 [ITP]) Bug#894260: ITP: ghostwriter Bug#894260: RFS: ghostwriter/1.7.3-1 [ITP] Bug#894271: marked as done (ITP: cmark-gfm -- GitHub enhanced version of cmark, the common markdown parser) Bug#895323: marked as done (ITP: -- Node.js module to extend Objects with a map function) Bug#895324: marked as done (ITP: node-make-iterator -- Node.js module to convert an argument into an iterator) Bug#895353: marked as done (ITP: rust-pulldown-cmark-0.1 -- Pull parser for CommonMark) Bug#895688: RFP: libtepl -- a text editor library Bug#897282: marked as done (ITP: node-bson -- JavaScript binary JSON implementation) Bug#897361: marked as done (ITP: node-mongodb-core -- low level part of the 2.0 or higher MongoDB driver) Bug#897399: marked as done (ITP: node-require-optional -- Node.js module to manage optional peer dependencies) Bug#898504: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-popepi -- Functions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data) Bug#898541: O: cortina -- Wallpaper changer for gnome Bug#898622: marked as done (ITP: mat2 -- Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit 2) Bug#899172: marked as done (ITP: mini-httpd-run -- Small HTTP server (Runit integration)) Bug#899414: qb64 Bug#900296: ITP: trio -- Async/await-native Python3 I/O library for humans and snake people Bug#900319: marked as done (ITP: python-shodan -- The official Python library for accessing Shodan) Bug#901664: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-barbican -- Puppet module for OpenStack Barbican) Bug#901794: marked as done (ITP: check-pgactivity -- PostgreSQL plugin for Nagios) Bug#901801: marked as done (ITP: pgstat -- Collects PostgreSQL statistics the same way as a sysstat tool) Bug#901837: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-tools -- OCI Runtime Tools) Bug#902122: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-h2non-filetype.v1 -- Small and blazing fast) Bug#902140: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-smira-go-xz -- Simple .xz decompression using external program) Bug#902309: [ Re: Bug#902309: ITP: zeyple -- Automatically encrypt outgoing emails] Bug#902331: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-cockroachdb-apd -- arbitrary-precision decimals for Go) Bug#902689: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-mdlayher-raw -- reading and writing data at the device driver level for a network interface) Bug#902691: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-mdlayher-ethernet -- marshaling and unmarshaling of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet II frames and IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags) Bug#902694: marked as done (ITP: golang-cloudfoundry-archiver -- utilities for extracting and compressing tgz and zip files) Bug#902695: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-fromkeith-gossdp -- golang port of node-ssdp) Bug#902696: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-wunderlist-ttlcache -- in-memory LRU cache with expiration) Bug#903913: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-jdt-core -- Eclipse Java Development Tools Core) Bug#904216: marked as done (ITP: fuse3 -- Filesystem in Userspace (3.x version)) Bug#904221: marked as done (ITP: srslte -- Open source SDR LTE software suite) Bug#904613: RFS: golang-layeh-gopher-luar/1.0.4-1 [ITP] Bug#904643: RFP: amtk -- Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit library for GTK+ applications Bug#904705: ITP: golang-github-flynn-json5 -- Go JSON5 decoder package based on encoding/json Bug#905065: ITP: golang-github-canonicalltd-raft-membership -- Extension of the Hashicorp raft package to easily join and leave a cluster Bug#905262: RFS: golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig Bug#905337: marked as done (ITP: haskell-parsec-numbers -- utilities for parsing numbers from strings) Bug#905388: RFP: elogind -- The systemd project's "logind", extracted to a standalone package Bug#905583: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-cavaliercoder-grab -- download manager package for Go) Bug#905755: ITP: emacs-theme-gruvbox -- retro groove colour scheme for Emacs Bug#905755: RFP: emacs-theme-gruvbox -- retro groove colour scheme for Emacs Bug#905883: RFP: purple-lurch -- XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption for libpurple Bug#906913: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-j-keck-arping -- library to ping a host per arp datagram or query a host mac address) Bug#906983: marked as done (ITP: gr-dab -- Gnuradio blocks and tools for receiving DAB and DAB+ radio) Bug#907041: please also build libmtd-dev/mtd-dev and a shared library package Bug#907180: marked as done (ITP: znc-backlog -- Request backlog for IRC channels) Bug#907237: marked as done (ITP: ros-ros-environment -- Robot OS environment hooks) Bug#907357: marked as done (O: sslscan -- tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suite) Bug#907639: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-clock -- Clock definition and a testing clock) Bug#907658: marked as done (ITP: fonts-fork-awesome -- fork of the iconic font Font Awesome) Bug#907694: marked as done (ITP: neutron-tempest-plugin -- OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Neutron plugin) Bug#907733: RFA: curlpp -- c++ wrapper for libcurl Bug#907928: Packaging Zotero Bug#908069: marked as done (ITP: cct -- visually comparing bacterial, plasmid, chloroplast, or mitochondrial sequences) Bug#908117: RFP: yq -- yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor The aim of the project is to be the jq or sed of yaml files. Bug#908312: marked as done (ITP: cbindgen -- Generating C bindings to Rust code) Bug#908599: marked as done (ITP: unicycler -- hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes) Bug#908665: marked as done (ITP: dtfabric -- Tooling for data type and structure management) Bug#908713: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-knqyf263-go-cpe -- golang-github-knqyf263-go-cpe) Bug#908787: gpiozero: please provide python module on all architectures Bug#908787: packaging pgpio for Debian Bug#908788: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-pracma - practical numerical math functions for GNU R) Bug#908829: preliminary packaging work Bug#908919: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v2 -- simple console progress bar for Go(v2)) Bug#908934: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-azure-azure-pipeline-go -- HTTP request/response middleware pipeline) Bug#908943: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-dnaeon-go-vcr -- Record and replay your HTTP interactions for tests) Bug#909025: marked as done (ITP: libmodsecurity3 -- ModSecurity v3 library component) Bug#909065: marked as done (ITP: xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin -- plugin to display status notifiers in the Xfce4 panel) Bug#909116: ITP: libmd5-rfc -- RFC1321-based (RSA-free) MD5 library Bug#909116: marked as done (ITP: libmd5-rfc -- RFC1321-based (RSA-free) MD5 library) Bug#909253: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-icann-tea -- Puppet datatypes for use of validation) Bug#909254: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-icann-quagga -- Puppet module for Quagga) Bug#909261: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-rodjek-logrotate -- Logrotate module for Puppet) Bug#909373: marked as done (ITP: syndie -- a system for operating distributed forums) Bug#909408: marked as done (ITP: fd-find -- Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find) Bug#909584: ITA rapid-photo-downloader Bug#909584: marked as done (ITA: rapid-photo-downloader -- Photo downloader (importer) from cameras, memory cards, other devices) Bug#909645: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-maraino-go-mock -- A mocking framework for the Go Programming Language) Bug#909675: marked as done (ITP: equinox-p2 -- Provisioning technology for OSGi-based applications) Bug#909760: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-platform-team -- Platform Team Repository Integration Framework) Bug#909830: marked as done (ITP: libbraiding -- computations on braid groups) Bug#909831: marked as done (ITP: libhomfly -- compute the homfly polynomial of a link) Bug#909968: marked as done (ITP: vitetris -- Virtual terminal *tris clone) Bug#909970: marked as done (RFP: astroid -- A graphical threads-with-tags style, lightweight and fast, e-mail client for Notmuch) Bug#909983: ITP: gmmlib -- graphics memory management library Bug#909984: (no subject) Bug#909984: ITP: vaapi-media-driver -- VA-API driver for Intel Gen8+ graphic cards Bug#910000: RFA: xtables-addons -- additional modules for iptables Bug#910002: ITP: combblas -- an extensible parallel graph library for graph analytics Bug#910035: O: cowsay -- configurable talking cow Bug#910052: RFH: mysql-workbench -- visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool Bug#910059: RFH: gnucash -- personal and small-business financial-accounting software Bug#910077: ITP: binoculars -- Surface X-ray diffraction 2D detector data reduction Bug#910085: ITP: gnukhata-core -- Free Accounting Software (Core Engine) Bug#910108: RFP: git-bug -- Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git Bug#910109: Subject: RFP: faircoin -- a digital currency that is powered by a cooperative grassroots movement Bug#910111: RFP: solid -- set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles Bug#910121: RFP: lua-inspect -- Lua table visualizer, ideal for debugging Bug#910163: ITP: golang-github-willfaught-gockle -- A simpler and mockable gocql Bug#910163: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-willfaught-gockle -- A simpler and mockable gocql) Bug#910164: RFA: lua-torch-cutorch Bug#910166: RFA: meta-torch-core-free Bug#910167: RFA: lua-torch-xlua Bug#910168: RFA: lua-torch-trepl Bug#910169: RFA: lua-torch-torch7 Bug#910170: RFA: lua-torch-sys Bug#910171: RFA: lua-torch-sundown Bug#910172: RFA: lua-torch-paths Bug#910173: RFA: lua-torch-optim Bug#910174: RFA: lua-torch-nngraph Bug#910175: RFA: lua-torch-nn Bug#910176: RFA: lua-torch-image Bug#910177: RFA: lua-torch-graph Bug#910178: RFA: lua-torch-dok Bug#910179: RFA: lua-torch-cwrap Bug#910180: RFA: lua-moses Bug#910181: RFA: fortune-zh Bug#910185: ITP: wl-clipboard -- wayland copy and paste command line utilities Bug#910185: marked as done (ITP: wl-clipboard -- wayland copy and paste command line utilities) Bug#910186: ITP: freedict-wikdict -- bilingual dictionaries from WikDict converted by FreeDict Bug#910187: ITP: eclipse-platform-ua -- Eclipse Help System Core Bug#910187: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-platform-ua -- Eclipse Help System Core) Bug#910189: RFP: libjs-getusermedia -- cross-browser getUserMedia shim with a node.js style error-first API Bug#910191: RFP: libjs-getscreenmedia -- browser module for attempting to get access to a MediaStream of a user's screen Bug#910209: RFP: kubectl -- kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager Bug#910252: ITP: libnbcompat -- NetBSD compatibility library Bug#910252: marked as done (ITP: libnbcompat -- NetBSD compatibility library) Bug#910253: ITP: nmtree -- Validates modes, ownership, and contents of directory tree against specification Bug#910253: marked as done (ITP: nmtree -- Validates modes, ownership, and contents of directory tree against specification) Bug#910254: Intent To Package python3-habu Bug#910256: marked as done (ITP: Fork-Awesome -- fork of the iconic font and CSS toolkit) Bug#910256: RFP: Fork-Awesome -- fork of the iconic font and CSS toolkit Bug#910265: ITP: python-yaswfp -- Python SWF parser Bug#910265: marked as done (ITP: python-yaswfp -- Python SWF parser) Bug#910278: ITP: pygalmesh -- a Python frontend to CGAL's 3D mesh generators Bug#910279: ITP: optimesh -- Mesh optimization, mesh smoothing. Bug#910283: ITP: kamcli -- Kamailio Command Line Interface Control Tool Bug#910289: RFP: webext-ghosttext -- Use your text editor to write in your browser Bug#910290: ITP: schroedinger-maeparser -- parser for the Maestro (.mae) file format Bug#910294: ITP: python-tld -- Extract the top level domain (TLD) from a given URL Bug#910294: marked as done (ITP: python-tld -- Extract the top level domain (TLD) from a given URL) Bug#910296: Your mail Bug#910298: RFP: tmate-slave -- tmate-slave is the server side part of tmate. Bug#910302: ITP: fontcustom -- generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line Bug#910302: marked as done (ITP: fontcustom -- generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line) Bug#910304: ITP: commons-dbcp2 -- Database Connection Pooling Services 2 Bug#910304: marked as done (ITP: commons-dbcp2 -- Database Connection Pooling Services 2) Bug#910308: ITP: jiconfont -- API to provide icons generated by any icon font Bug#910313: ITP: javapoet -- Java library for generating .java source files Bug#910313: marked as done (ITP: javapoet -- Java library for generating .java source files) Bug#910314: ITP: jiconfont-swing -- jIconFont - Swing support Bug#910320: ITP: jiconfont-font-awesome -- jIconFont - Font Awesome Bug#910338: ITP: mdk4 - poc tool to exploit common IEEE 802.11 protocol weaknesses Bug#910357: ITP: segemehl -- short read mapping with gaps Bug#910358: ITP: grcov -- grcov collects and aggregates code coverage information for multiple source files. Bug#910361: ITP: haskell-wcwidth -- Haskell bindings for system's native wcwidth Bug#910361: marked as done (ITP: haskell-wcwidth -- Haskell bindings for system's native wcwidth) Bug#910381: RFP: node-chai-as-promised -- Chai as Promised extends Chai with a fluent language for asserting facts about promises. Bug#910385: RFP: golang-github-openconfig-gnmi -- gRPC Network Management Interface Bug#910389: RFP: golang-notabug-themusicgod1-gosigar -- Gathers system and per process statistics Bug#910393: RFP: node-husky -- Git hooks made easy Bug#910436: RFP: python3-unicodedata2 -- Provides access via Pyhton to the Unicode database. Bug#910437: RFP: python3-pygnuplot -- Python wrapper for Gnuplot Bug#910441: RFP: python3-brotherql -- Python package for the protocol of Brother QL label printers Bug#910460: ITP: r-cran-parallelmap -- GNU R unified interface to parallelization back-ends Bug#910460: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-parallelmap -- GNU R unified interface to parallelization back-ends) Bug#910461: ITP: r-cran-paramhelpers -- GNU R helpers for parameters in black-box optimization and tuning Bug#910477: RFP: node-nyc -- Istanbul's state of the art command line interface Bug#910484: ITP: python-backports.csv -- Backport of the Python 3 CSV module for Python 2 Bug#910484: marked as done (ITP: python-backports.csv -- Backport of the Python 3 CSV module for Python 2) Bug#910487: ITP: r-cran-eaf -- GNU R plots of the empirical attainment function Bug#910487: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-eaf -- GNU R plots of the empirical attainment function) Bug#910499: ITP: schroedinger-coordgenlibs -- 2D coordinate generation for chemical compounds Bug#910509: ITP: r-cran-emoa -- GNU R evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms Bug#910509: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-emoa -- GNU R evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms) Bug#910510: ITP: r-cran-ggally -- GNU R extension to r-cran-ggplot2 Bug#910510: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ggally -- GNU R extension to r-cran-ggplot2) Bug#910514: ITP: r-cran-irace -- GNU R iterated racing for automatic algorithm configuration Bug#910514: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-irace -- GNU R iterated racing for automatic algorithm configuration) Bug#910515: ITP: r-cran-paramhelpers -- GNU R helpers for parameters in black-box optimization and tuning Bug#910515: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-paramhelpers -- GNU R helpers for parameters in black-box optimization and tuning) Bug#910516: ITP: r-cran-mlr -- Machine learning in GNU R Bug#910530: RFP: notabug-themusicgod1-redis.v4-dev -- Redis client for Golang Bug#910533: RFP: golang-notabug-themusicgod1-ratelimit -- Simple, thread-safe Go rate-limiter Bug#910557: ITP: python-pykwalify -- Python YAML/JSON schema validation library Bug#910557: marked as done (ITP: python-pykwalify -- Python YAML/JSON schema validation library) Bug#910563: ITP: radon -- Code metric generator for python Bug#910563: marked as done (ITP: radon -- Code metric generator for python) Bug#910564: ITP: mando -- command line argument parser for python Bug#910564: marked as done (ITP: mando -- command line argument parser for python) Bug#910565: ITP: intelhex -- Intel HEX microcontroller format support for Python Bug#910565: marked as done (ITP: intelhex -- Intel HEX microcontroller format support for Python) Bug#910566: ITP: pyocd -- ARM Cortex-M programming tools (Python3) Bug#910566: marked as done (ITP: pyocd -- ARM Cortex-M programming tools (Python3)) Bug#910567: Git respository issues for sn package. Bug#910567: ITA: sn -- Small NNTP server for leaf sites Bug#910567: marked as done (ITA: sn -- Small NNTP server for leaf sites) Bug#910567: O: sn Bug#910568: O: golang-github-jhoonb-archivex Bug#910569: O: golang-github-tmc-scp Bug#910570: O: tcpcopy Bug#910575: Bug#910591: ITA: logdata-anomaly-miner -- lightweight tool for log checking, log analysis Bug#910575: ITA: logdata-anomaly-miner -- lightweight tool for log checking, log analysis Bug#910575: marked as done (ITA: logdata-anomaly-miner -- lightweight tool for log checking, log analysis) Bug#910602: RFP: node-co-mocha -- Enable support for generators in Mocha tests Bug#910603: ITP: theme-d-gnome -- GNOME bindings for programming language Theme-D Bug#910614: RFP: node-ecstatic -- A nodejs simple static file server Bug#910646: ITP: ssocr -- OCR for seven segment displays Bug#910662: ITP: gost-crypto -- Linux kernel modules implementing GOST cryptography Bug#910668: O: mason -- Interactively creates a Linux packet filtering firewall Bug#910706: ITP: debian-cloud-images -- tool used by the Debian Cloud Team to create official cloud images Bug#910716: ITP: barrier -- Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network Bug#910716: marked as done (ITP: barrier -- Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network) Bug#910749: ITP: r-cran-iso -- GNU R functions to perform isotonic regression Bug#910774: RFP: cado-nfs -- implementation of the Number Field Sieve algorithm Bug#910798: O: iw -- tool for configuring Linux wireless devices Bug#910799: RFP: help -- Kubernetes Package Manager Bug#910818: ITP: conttest -- A helper script for continuous testing written in Python Bug#910824: RFP: node-beefy -- a local development server designed to work with browserify Bug#910828: RFP: node-pretty-quick -- Runs Prettier on your changed files Bug#910850: RFP: r2cutter -- A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework Bug#910876: RFP: audmes -- AUDio MEasurement System The last update was on 08:31 GMT Thu May 09. 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