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Trying to get your coin on an Exchange? Packages Starting @ 1 BTC Bug#470995: ITP: devotee Bug#553425: marked as done (RFA: vm -- A mail user agent for Emacs.) Bug#570611: Mythtv debian packaging repo Bug#573876: ?!m Bug#592159: marked as done (ITP: poezio -- XMPP terminal-based client) Bug#609221: marked as done (RFP: pytyle2 -- PyTyle2 is an automatic and manual on-demand tiling manager) Bug#616071: marked as done (RFP: python-oejskit -- python driven javascript unit testing) Bug#642150: 2.3.4 out Bug#652438: closed by Bart Martens <> (closing RFP: ibus-table-sawndip-yaemlai -- <missing description>) Bug#652438: marked as done (RFP: ibus-table-sawndip-yaemlai -- <missing description>) Bug#660613: marked as done (RFP: pytyle -- An extensible tiling manager that can fit into any EWMH compatible window manager) Bug#666900: marked as done (O: python-repoze.who) Bug#670605: packaging libjs-jquery-jqplot Bug#687081: poc pkg available Bug#687118: poc pkg available Bug#687490: poc pkg available Bug#690874: marked as done (ITP: hibiscus -- HBCI homebanking software) Bug#691349: libopencm3: changing back from RFP to ITP Bug#691349: libopencm3: changing ownership Bug#700517: marked as done (RFP: turbovnc -- run remote OpenGL applications with full 3D acceleration) Bug#708856: marked as done (RFP: emacs-clang-complete-async -- emacs extension to complete C and C++ code) Bug#711860: marked as done (RFP: doubango -- experimental 3GPP IMS/LTE framework for embedded and desktop systems) Bug#712636: marked as done (RFP: erlang-oauth -- An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation) Bug#712713: marked as done (RFP: vassal -- Java libs to board and card online hex-and-counter wargames) Bug#714302: marked as done (RFP: python-discid -- Python binding of Libdiscid) Bug#714344: marked as done (RFP: howler -- Alert when users log in from new locations) Bug#714844: marked as done (RFP: python-osmapis -- Tools for accessing and manipulating OSM data) Bug#715243: marked as done (RFP: ngjackpsa -- simple LADSPA hosts for the JACK Audio Connection Kit) Bug#715274: marked as done (RFP: lightdmcfg -- GUI to configure LightDM display manager) Bug#715315: marked as done (RFP: pidgeon -- open source irc client) Bug#715547: marked as done (RFP: icanhaz.js -- Simple & powerful client-side javascript templating) Bug#717046: marked as done (RFP: openrefine -- Power tool for working with messy data) Bug#725821: marked as done (ITA: swapspace -- dynamic swap space manager) Bug#728206: ITP: librtr -- Library implementing the client-side of the RPKI-RTR Protocol. Bug#733915: ITP: s6 -- a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision Bug#741613: marked as done (ITP: glslang -- OpenGL / OpenGL ES Shading Language) Bug#745661: Weblate packaging → Salsa? Bug#749275: marked as done (ITP: libpgobject-util-pseudocsv-perl -- PostgreSQL text representations parser) Bug#762346: RFP: pypy3 -- fast alternative implementation of Python3 - PyPy interpreter Bug#762445: marked as done (ITA: solfege -- Ear training software (duplicate)) Bug#762451: 762451 ITA: solfege -- Ear training software Bug#762451: marked as done (ITA: solfege -- Ear training software (duplicate)) Bug#768073: [pkg-lxc-devel] Bug#768073: LXD packaging (and lxc-go plus a little bit of salsa) Bug#783307: ITP: fzf -- General-purpose command-line fuzzy finder Bug#792865: marked as done (ITA: node-q -- Node.js module for promises) Bug#807275: RFP: libjs-converse -- XMPP chat client running in the web browser Bug#807866: uploading github-hub? (was: Bug#807866: RFP: github-hub -- hub helps you win at git) Bug#815264: marked as done (ITA: double-conversion -- routines to convert IEEE floats to and from strings) Bug#815264: O: double-conversion -- routines to convert IEEE floats to and from strings Bug#823933: marked as done (ITP: android-platform-external-boringssl -- Fork of OpenSSL that is designed to meet Google's needs) Bug#824712: RFH: smokeping Bug#824716: marked as done (RFP: mshr -- generates simplicial DOLFIN meshes in 2D and 3D) Bug#829589: marked as done (ITP: jedi-el -- Python auto-completion package for Emacs) Bug#831717: marked as done (ITA: filetraq -- Small utility to keep track of changes in config files) Bug#842114: packaged as flint-arb Bug#849480: marked as done (RFA: teg -- Turn based strategy game) Bug#852055: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-puppetlabs-haproxy) Bug#858367: ITP: movim -- decentralised social network Bug#859371: updated repo Bug#861340: retitle to RFP: elpa-poetry -- Poetry writing aids for Emacs Bug#863383: Reclaiming ITP #863383 Bug#865094: marked as done (ITP: renderdoc -- a stand-alone graphics debugging tool) Bug#868050: ITP: golang-github-shibukawa-configdir -- Configuration directories handling for Go Bug#868050: RFS: golang-github-shibukawa-configdir -- Configuration directories handling for Go Bug#870443: marked as done (ITP: cjson -- Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C) Bug#871621: ITP for virt-bootstrap. Bug#871621: ITP of skopeo Bug#872352: marked as done (ITP: skypat -- C++ performance analyzing and testing framework) Bug#877041: marked as done (ITA: ublock-origin -- general-purpose malware blocker) Bug#880059: marked as done (ITP: node-csv-spectrum -- A bunch of different CSV files to serve as an acid test for CSV parsing libraries.) Bug#880942: marked as done (ITP: ghdl -- VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator) Bug#881910: marked as done (O: libcdio-paranoia) Bug#884073: marked as done (O: libical3 -- iCalendar library implementation in C) Bug#884765: ITP: drupal-init-tools -- helper commands to create and install new Drupal projects Bug#885405: RFP: waterfox -- graphical web browser based on Firefox Bug#886529: marked as done (RFP: ripgrep -- line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern) Bug#887142: ITP: node-nock -- It is an HTTP mocking and expectations library for Node.js Bug#887151: marked as done (ITA: logrotate -- Log rotation utility) Bug#887394: Packaging Veyon (was: Re: Accepted italc 1:3.0.3+dfsg1-2 (source) into unstable) Bug#887809: Info received (Bug#887809: RFP: borgmatic -- A wrapper script for Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups) Bug#887809: RFP: borgmatic -- A wrapper script for Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups Bug#888215: RFA: python-scp -- scp module for paramiko Bug#888233: marked as done (ITA: ujson -- ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 2/3) Bug#888705: abseil Bug#888813: ITP: micro -- a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor Bug#889496: libjs-cssrelpreload name Bug#889496: marked as done (ITA: libjs-cssrelpreload - JavaScript to load CSS asynchronously) Bug#889780: O: stomper -- Python client implementation of the STOMP protocol Bug#890187: marked as done (ITP: racon -- Ultrafast consensus module for raw de novo genome assembly of long uncorrected reads) Bug#890538: updated repo URL Bug#890552: marked as done (ITP: glslang -- Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, and sample SPIR-V generator) Bug#890742: marked as done (ITP: python-cx_oracle -- Python extension module that enables access to Oracle Database) Bug#890744: marked as done (ITP: python-sqlcypher -- Python bindings for SQLCipher) Bug#890960: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-dmcgowan-go-tar -- Fork of archive/tar in standard library to carry changes for all go versions) Bug#891136: ITP: tools-deps-alpha-clojure -- functional API for dependency management and classpath creation Bug#891531: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-bfirsh-funker-go -- Funker for Go) Bug#891706: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil -- Incremental file directory sync tools in golang) Bug#891707: marked as done (ITP: pyqtqwt -- Python version of the Qwt6 technical widget library (Python3)) Bug#892198: marked as done (ITP: pyqt5chart -- Python bindings for QtCharts) Bug#892286: marked as done (RFP: python3-aiosasl -- pure python generic asyncio SASL library) Bug#892612: ITP: conbuilder -- container-basade package builder for Debian packages Bug#893055: marked as done (ITP: imbalanced-learn -- Python module to perform under sampling and over sampling with various techniques.) Bug#893146: marked as done (ITP: python-numpysane -- more-reasonable core functionality for numpy) Bug#893719: marked as done (ITP: hivelytracker -- Music tracker for AHX and HVL formats) Bug#893913: marked as done (ITP: qtspell -- spell-checking functionality to Qt's text widgets) Bug#893984: marked as done (ITP: spi-tools -- Simple command line tools to help using Linux spidev devices) Bug#894120: marked as done (ITP: fclib -- Library of C routines to read and write problems from the Friction Contact Library) Bug#894865: RFS: cavestory-nx/1.0.0-1 [ITP] -- Nostalgic side action adventure game Bug#896565: marked as done (ITP: drms -- Access HMI, AIA and MDI data with Python) Bug#896816: lowdown ITP: how does it go? Bug#896850: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-bruth-assert -- Simple test assertions for Golang tests) Bug#896852: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-ishidawataru-sctp -- SCTP library for the Go programming language) Bug#896854: marked as done (ITP: golang-vbom-util -- Go utility packages) Bug#896855: marked as done (ITP: fernet-go -- Generates and verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens ) Bug#896856: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-ijc-gotty -- Gotty is a library written in Go that provides interpretation and loading of Termcap database files.) Bug#896857: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-phayes-permbits -- Easy file permissions for golang.) Bug#896936: Packaging node-lemonldap-ng-handler Bug#897027: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-xlab-handysort -- Alphanumeric string sorting algorithm implementation in Go) Bug#897648: marked as done (ITP: networking-bagpipe -- OpenStack virtual network service - BGP-based VPN) Bug#898061: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-base64url -- GNU R fast and URL-safe Base64 encoder and decoder) Bug#898063: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-batchtools -- GNU R tools for computation on batch systems) Bug#898139: marked as done (ITP: octave-bsltl -- biospeckle laser tool library for Octave) Bug#898153: marked as done (ITP: octave-cgi -- Common Gateway Interface for Octave) Bug#898182: marked as done (ITP: fonts-gnutypewriter -- Multilingual font imitating a real typewriter) Bug#898213: marked as done (ITP: gamemode -- aemon/lib combo for Linux that allows games to) Bug#898289: marked as done (ITP: octave-dicom -- manipulate DICOM files in Octave) Bug#898313: marked as done (ITP: octave-doctest -- documentation tests for Octave) Bug#898417: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-lucky-block -- Minetest module to add a Lucky Block to the game) Bug#898427: marked as done (ITP: octave-fits -- manipulation of FITS files in Octave) Bug#898476: marked as done (ITP: octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit -- fuzzy logic toolkit for Octave) Bug#898545: Bug#906876: xul-ext-scrapbook no longer works with firefox-esr 60 Bug#898644: marked as done (ITP: refmac-dictionary -- dictionary for macromolecular refinement and model building) Bug#898844: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-shinythemes -- Themes for Shiny) Bug#898872: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-bridgesampling -- GNU R bridge sampling for marginal likelihoods and Bayes factors) Bug#898908: marked as done (ITP: octave-image-acquisition -- image acquisition package for Octave) Bug#899145: marked as done (ITP: octave-instrument-control -- low level I/O interface for Octave) Bug#899225: marked as done (ITP: octave-level-set -- level-set toolbox for Octave) Bug#899273: ITP: fonts-ibm-plex -- IBM's corporate typeface Bug#899322: marked as done (ITP: trace2dbest -- bulk submission of chromatogram data to dbEST) Bug#899431: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-units -- Measurement Units for R Vectors) Bug#900050: marked as done (ITP: octave-lssa -- least squares spectral analysis for Octave) Bug#900104: marked as done (ITP: octave-mvn -- multivariate normal distribution clustering for Octave) Bug#900422: marked as done (O: mdns-scan -- Scan for mDNS/DNS-SD services published on the local network) Bug#900484: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-zip -- GNU R package for cross-platform zip compression) Bug#900682: marked as done (ITP: octave-ncarray -- access NetCDF files as a multi-dimensional array in Octave) Bug#900683: marked as done (ITP: octave-optics -- optics functions for Octave) Bug#900684: marked as done (ITP: octave-queueing -- Queueing Networks and Markov chains analysis for Octave) Bug#900685: marked as done (ITP: octave-secs3d -- Drift-Diffusion simulator for 3d semiconductor devices in Octave) Bug#900689: marked as done (ITP: octave-vibes -- VIBes API to easily display results in Octave) Bug#900764: marked as done (ITP: minimac4 -- Fast Imputation Based on State Space Reduction HMM) Bug#900765: marked as done (ITP: libstatgen -- processing and analyzing next generation sequencing and genotyping data library) Bug#900939: marked as done (ITP: yubikey-manager -- Python library and command line tool for configuring a YubiKey) Bug#901027: marked as done (ITP: virtio-forwarder -- SR-IOV virtual function to virtio packet forwarder) Bug#901064: marked as done (ITP: libbioparser-dev -- library for parsing several formats in bioinformatics) Bug#901145: marked as done (ITP: spoa -- SIMD partial order alignment tool) Bug#901184: marked as done (ITP: libedlib -- library for sequence alignment using edit distance) Bug#901205: ITP: node-srcset -- Parse and Stringify the <img>srcset tool Bug#901207: marked as done (ITP: libthread-pool -- C++ thread pool library) Bug#901226: marked as done (ITP: rampler -- module for sampling genomic sequences) Bug#901461: Packaging mu for Debian Bug#901461: your mail Bug#901465: marked as done (ITP: driverctl -- device driver control utility for Linux) Bug#901493: marked as done (ITP: erlang-cf -- Erlang/OTP library for termial colour printing) Bug#901570: marked as done (ITP: iraf-sptable -- IRAF package for spectral tables) Bug#901576: marked as done (ITP: mariadb-connector-java -- Java database driver for MariaDB and MySQL) Bug#901617: marked as done (ITP: prometheus-nginx-vts-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for Nginx VTS metrics) Bug#901676: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-diptest -- Hartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - Corrected) Bug#901683: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-designate -- Puppet module for OpenStack Designate) Bug#901879: RM wvdial, no more info for wvstreams Bug#901914: marked as done (ITP: vulkan-headers) Bug#901933: marked as done (ITP: prometheus-bird-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for the BIRD routing daemon) Bug#902024: marked as done (ITP: umoci -- Open Container Images manipulation tool) Bug#902124: RFS: ulmo -- Clean, simple and fast Python access to public hydrology & climatology data Bug#902124: Sponsoring of python-ulmo Bug#902400: marked as done (ITP: backward-cpp -- Beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++) Bug#902685: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-wayn3h0-go-uuid -- go implementation of UUID described in RFC 4122) Bug#902697: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-jhoonb-archivex -- archives folders (recursively) and files to zip and tar formats) Bug#902698: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-tmc-scp -- simple interface to copying files over a go.crypto/ssh session) Bug#902730: marked as done (ITP: sharness -- Sharness is a portable shell library to write, run, and analyze automated tests for Unix programs. Since all tests output TAP, the Test Anything Protocol, they can be run with any TAP harness (e.g. "prove").) Bug#902911: marked as done (ITP: setuptools-scm-git-archive -- Plugin for setuptools_scm to add support for git archives) Bug#903017: marked as done (ITP: iraf-fitsutil -- FITS utilities for IRAF) Bug#903020: marked as done (ITP: consulfs -- distributed FUSE filesystem backed by a Consul Key-Value store) Bug#903022: marked as done (ITP: usbtop -- utility to show bandwidth on USB buses and devices) Bug#903035: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-unified-inventory -- Minetest module to enhance the inventory) Bug#903046: marked as done (ITP: iraf-mscred -- CCD mosaic reduction package) Bug#903151: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-protector -- Minetest module to add protector blocks) Bug#903152: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-skyblock -- Minetest module to add a Crusoe-like minigame) Bug#903256: ITA: mktorrent Bug#903256: marked as done (ITA: mktorrent -- simple command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files) Bug#903261: ITA: libapache2-mod-fcgid Bug#903261: marked as done (ITA: libapache2-mod-fcgid -- FastCGI interface module for Apache 2) Bug#903282: Bundling a potential 'home-end' debian package Bug#903289: dh-make-elpa license and contribution Bug#903289: marked as done (ITA: dh-make-elpa -- helper for creating Debian packages from ELPA packages) Bug#903438: RFA: asciinema -- Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way Bug#903507: marked as done (ITP: delly -- structural variant discovery by read analysis) Bug#903559: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-debian-helper -- Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages) Bug#903575: marked as done (ITP: equinox-bundles -- Implementation of add-on services defined in the OSGi specifications) Bug#903602: marked as done (ITP: yaha -- find split-read mappings on single-end queries) Bug#903617: marked as done (ITP: equinox-framework -- Implementation of the OSGi Core Framework R4 specification) Bug#903647: marked as done (ITP: wmmisc -- dockapp that monitors your system) Bug#903688: marked as done (ITP: kylin-display-switch -- Gui tool for display switching) Bug#903728: marked as done (ITP: python-colormath -- Abstracts common color math operations) Bug#903730: marked as done (ITP: python-spectra -- Easy color scales and color conversion) Bug#903732: marked as done (ITP: python-lzstring -- LZ-based compression algorithm) Bug#903791: marked as done (ITP: utf8gen -- convert Unicode hexadecimal code points to UTF-8) Bug#903817: marked as done (ITP: python-tinycss2 -- Low-level CSS parser) Bug#903884: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-fansi -- GNU R ANSI control sequence aware string functions) Bug#903911: marked as done (ITP: pilon-non-free -- automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool) Bug#903943: marked as done (ITP: ukui-panel -- launcher and docking facility for UKUI) Bug#903944: marked as done (ITP: ukui-settings-daemon -- daemon handling the UKUI session settings) Bug#904003: marked as done (ITP: kylin-burner -- CD/DVD burning application for UKUI) Bug#904019: marked as done (ITP: libxcrypt -- Extended crypt library for DES, MD5, Blowfish and others) Bug#904054: marked as done (ITP: cccolutils -- Python Kerberos Credential Cache Collection Utilities) Bug#904066: marked as done (ITP: python-openidc-client -- A Python OpenID Connect client with token caching and management) Bug#904088: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-araddon-gou -- logging and json helpers for Go) Bug#904130: marked as done (ITP: transmission-el -- Emacs interface to a Transmission session) Bug#904147: marked as done (ITP: fonts-sil-alkalami -- Arabic script font for the Kano region) Bug#904154: marked as done (ITP: mfcuk - Mifare Classic DarkSide Key Recovery Tool) Bug#904174: marked as done (ITP: unibetacode -- convert classical Greek and Coptic between Beta Code and Unicode) Bug#904186: marked as done (ITP: git-sizer -- compute various size metrics for a Git repository) Bug#904219: marked as done (ITP: freediameter -- Diameter protocol implementation) Bug#904222: marked as done (ITP: puppet-module-voxpupuli-corosync -- Puppet module for corosync / pacemaker) Bug#904257: [printer-driver-escpr] Missing drivers for "Expression Premium XP-6000" Bug#904344: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia -- go-sophia is a golang binding for sophia database) Bug#904346: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go -- GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use) Bug#904348: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-matryer-is -- professional lightweight testing mini-framework for Go) Bug#904349: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-machinebox-graphql -- simple low-level GraphQL HTTP client for Go) Bug#904401: marked as done (ITP: python-uinput -- Pythonic API to Linux uinput kernel module.) Bug#904416: marked as done (ITP: mfoc - MIFARE Classic offline cracker) Bug#904440: marked as done (ITP: nsync -- C library that exports various synchronization primitives, such as mutexes [TF deps]) Bug#904563: marked as done (ITP: snapper-gui -- graphical interface for snapper) Bug#904702: marked as done (ITP: megadown -- Bash script for downloading files from and megacrypter) Bug#904757: marked as done (ITP: ruby-em-websocket -- EventMachine based WebSocket server) Bug#904824: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-gdamore-tcell -- Cell based view for text terminals) Bug#904824: RFS: golang-github-gdamore-tcell -- Cell based view for text terminals Bug#904835: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ranger -- Fast Implementation of Random Forests) Bug#904943: marked as done (ITP: utfcheck -- check validity of UTF-8 and ASCII files) Bug#904978: ITP: protobuf-2 -- This is the protobuf pacakge but version 2.6.1 same as that foudn in jessie but is being packaged to unstable since kotlin-1.1.1 needs it. p.s kotlin-1.1.1 is also being packaged to unstable. Bug#905021: marked as done (ITP: localslackirc -- IRC gateway for slack) Bug#905073: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-frankban-quicktest -- Quick helpers for testing Go applications) Bug#905073: RFS: golang-github-frankban-quicktest/1.0.0-1 [ITP] Bug#905074: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-canonicalltd-raft-test -- Raft testing helpers) Bug#905074: RFS: golang-github-canonicalltd-raft-test/0.0~git20180628.c3345b5-1 [ITP] Bug#905075: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-collections -- Deque and set implementations) Bug#905075: RFS: golang-github-juju-collections/0.0~git20180717.9be91dc-1 [ITP] Bug#905128: marked as done (ITP: libbson-xs-perl -- Perl XS implementation of MongoDB's BSON serialization) Bug#905164: ITP: r-cran-reticulate -- R interface to Python modules, classes, and functions Bug#905164: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-reticulate -- R interface to Python modules, classes, and functions) Bug#905174: ITP: ufonormalizer -- Normalize XML and other data inside Unified Font Object files Bug#905234: ITP: urbackup-server -- easy to setup backup system (server) Bug#905240: ITP: golang-github-rivo-tview -- Rich interactive widgets for terminal-based UIs Bug#905240: RFS: golang-github-rivo-tview Bug#905246: add usertag Bug#905262: ITP: golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig -- use gitconfig values in Go Bug#905262: RFS: golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig Bug#905270: ITP: freedict-tools -- Build system for FreeDict dictionaries Bug#905274: marked as done (ITP: node-vue-hot-reload-api -- hot reload api for *.vue components) Bug#905278: ITP: metro-policy -- WS-Policy implementation in Java Bug#905278: marked as done (ITP: metro-policy -- WS-Policy implementation in Java) Bug#905286: ITP: jws-api -- Java EE Web Services Metadata API (JSR 181) Bug#905286: marked as done (ITP: jws-api -- Java EE Web Services Metadata API (JSR 181)) Bug#905297: ITP: saaj-ri -- SOAP with Attachments API for Java - Reference Implementation Bug#905297: marked as done (ITP: saaj-ri -- SOAP with Attachments API for Java - Reference Implementation) Bug#905298: ITP: virtualpg -- Loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite Bug#905298: marked as done (ITP: virtualpg -- Loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite) Bug#905312: ITP: xlunzip -- test tool for the kernel lzip decompression Bug#905313: ITP: libodpi-c: Oracle Database Programming Interface for Drivers and Applications Bug#905313: marked as done (ITP: libodpi-c: Oracle Database Programming Interface for Drivers and Applications) Bug#905333: ITP: cbatticon -- lightweight and fast battery icon status Bug#905333: marked as done (ITP: cbatticon -- lightweight and fast battery icon status) Bug#905336: RFP: libjs-otr -- Off-the record messaging protocol Bug#905337: ITP: haskell-parsec-numbers -- utilities for parsing numbers from strings Bug#905360: closed by Bart Martens <> (closing ITP: spyder-kernels -- Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console) Bug#905360: ITP: spyder-kernels -- Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console Bug#905360: marked as done (ITP: spyder-kernels -- Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console) Bug#905362: ITP: jaxws -- JAX-WS Reference Implementation Bug#905388: RFP: elogind -- The systemd project's "logind", extracted to a standalone package Bug#905391: ITP: cryptominisat -- CryptoMiniSat is a modern, multi-threaded, simplifying SAT solver Bug#905402: ITP: openvoronoi -- 2D Voronoi diagram library with CAM focus Bug#905402: RFS: openvoronoi -- 2D Voronoi diagram library with CAM focus Bug#905406: ITP: s-tui -- terminal UI for monitoring your computer Bug#905406: marked as done (ITP: s-tui -- terminal UI for monitoring your computer) Bug#905412: ITP: lepton-eda -- Lepton Electronic Design Automation Bug#905427: go-sendxmpp -- Go package for sending single messages to an XMPP contact or groupchat Bug#905460: ITP: opencamlib -- C++ library for creating 3D toolpaths for CNC machines Bug#905462: ITP: boohu -- Break Out Of Hareka's Underground -- a roguelike game Bug#905462: marked as done (ITP: boohu -- Break Out Of Hareka's Underground -- a roguelike game) Bug#905466: ITP: binutils-mipsen Bug#905493: ITP: golang-github-gogo-googleapis -- googleapis generated with gogoprotobuf Bug#905493: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-gogo-googleapis -- googleapis generated with gogoprotobuf) Bug#905535: RFP: node-autod -- Auto generate dependencies and devDependencies by parsing nodejs projects Bug#905538: ITP: -- go packages to support common testing patterns Bug#905538: marked as done (ITP: -- go packages to support common testing patterns) Bug#905543: ITP: tools-gitlibs-clojure -- Clojure API for programatically accessing git libraries Bug#905560: ITP: jaxrpc-api -- Java API for XML based RPC (JAX-RPC) Bug#905560: marked as done (ITP: jaxrpc-api -- Java API for XML based RPC (JAX-RPC)) Bug#905583: ITP: golang-github-cavaliercoder-grab -- download manager package for Go Bug#905606: marked as done (RFP: node-asap -- node-asap) Bug#905606: RFP: node-asap -- node-asap Bug#905619: ITP: r-cran-flexmix -- GNU R flexible mixture modeling Bug#905619: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-flexmix -- GNU R flexible mixture modeling) Bug#905620: ITP: r-cran-prabclus -- GNU R clustering of presence-absence, abundance and multilocus genetic data Bug#905620: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-prabclus -- GNU R clustering of presence-absence, abundance and multilocus genetic data) Bug#905621: ITP: r-cran-trimcluster -- GNU R cluster analysis with trimming Bug#905621: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-trimcluster -- GNU R cluster analysis with trimming) Bug#905631: ITP: r-cran-fpc -- GNU R flexible procedures for clustering Bug#905631: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-fpc -- GNU R flexible procedures for clustering) Bug#905632: ITP: r-cran-gclus -- GNU R clustering graphics Bug#905632: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gclus -- GNU R clustering graphics) Bug#905638: ITP: r-cran-qap -- GNU R heuristics for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) Bug#905638: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-qap -- GNU R heuristics for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP)) Bug#905639: RFP: libnginx-mod-http-geoip2 -- Nginx GeoIP2 module Bug#905640: ITP: r-cran-tsp -- GNU R traveling salesperson problem (TSP) Bug#905640: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-tsp -- GNU R traveling salesperson problem (TSP)) Bug#905641: ITP: r-cran-webshot -- GNU R take screenshots of web pages Bug#905641: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-webshot -- GNU R take screenshots of web pages) Bug#905642: ITP: r-cran-dendextend -- Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in GNU R Bug#905642: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-dendextend -- Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in GNU R) Bug#905644: ITP: r-cran-seriation -- GNU R infrastructure for ordering objects using seriation Bug#905644: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-seriation -- GNU R infrastructure for ordering objects using seriation) Bug#905646: ITP: r-cran-heatmaply -- GNU R interactive cluster heat maps using 'plotly' Bug#905646: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-heatmaply -- GNU R interactive cluster heat maps using 'plotly') Bug#905655: ITP: node-code -- Test framework from hapijs Bug#905655: marked as done (ITP: node-code -- Test framework from hapijs) Bug#905672: ITP: glasstty -- VT220 terminal font Bug#905672: marked as done (ITP: glasstty -- VT220 terminal font) Bug#905683: RFP: node-babel-helper-evaluate-path -- A wrapper for babel's path.evaluate Bug#905684: RFP: node-babel-helper-flip-expressions -- expression simplifier/helper for babel Bug#905688: ITP: elpa-lsp-haskell -- Emacs Lisp library for interacting with a haskell-ide-engine server using Microsoft's Language Server Protocol Bug#905690: ITP: elpa-lsp-ui -- higher level UI modules of lsp-mode for emacs Bug#905691: ITP: elpa-lsp-mode -- Emacs client library for the Language Server Protocol Bug#905716: ITP: node-toidentifier -- Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifier Bug#905716: marked as done (ITP: node-toidentifier -- Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifier) Bug#905723: ITP: shoelaces -- lightweight tool for server bootstrapping Bug#905724: ITP: python-os-faults -- OpenStack fault-injection library Bug#905724: marked as done (ITP: python-os-faults -- OpenStack fault-injection library) Bug#905755: ITP: emacs-theme-gruvbox -- retro groove colour scheme for Emacs Bug#905794: ITP: e-wrapper -- wrapper to handle "$EDITOR file:lineno" Bug#905794: marked as done (ITP: e-wrapper -- wrapper to handle "$EDITOR file:lineno") Bug#905806: ITP: termineter - Smart meter testing framework Bug#905806: marked as done (ITP: termineter - Smart meter testing framework) Bug#905808: ITP: python-crcelk - Implementation of the CRC algorithm Bug#905808: marked as done (ITP: python-crcelk - Implementation of the CRC algorithm) Bug#905810: ITP: python-smoke-zephyr - Python utility collection Bug#905810: marked as done (ITP: python-smoke-zephyr - Python utility collection) Bug#905812: ITP: django-cas-server -- CAS server library for Django Bug#905812: marked as done (ITP: django-cas-server -- CAS server library for Django) Bug#905821: author should be sorry Bug#905821: RFP: variety-slideshow -- It can work as a standalone command-line utility, or as a "component" of Variety Wallpaper Changer Bug#905828: O: eeshow - Schematics renderer and viewer for KiCad Bug#905837: ITP: golang-github-mattbaird-elastigo -- Elascisearch client for Go Bug#905840: ITP: hinawa-utils - Utility tools for libhinawa Bug#905853: ITP: tao-pegtl -- Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library Bug#905855: ITP: qlogo -- Language using turtle graphics famous for teaching kids Bug#905855: marked as done (ITP: qlogo -- Language using turtle graphics famous for teaching kids) Bug#905882: ITP: chafa -- Image-to-text converter supporting a wide range of symbols and palettes, transparency, animations, etc. Bug#905882: marked as done (ITP: chafa -- Image-to-text converter supporting a wide range of symbols and palettes, transparency, animations, etc.) Bug#905883: RFP: purple-lurch -- XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption for libpurple Bug#905904: ITP: libmbassador-java -- feature-rich Java event bus optimized for high-throughput Bug#905904: marked as done (ITP: libmbassador-java -- feature-rich Java event bus optimized for high-throughput) Bug#905925: ITP: phoronix-test-suite -- Benchmarking and system testing framework Bug#905936: RFP: python-kivy-garden.contextmenu -- collection of classes for easy creating context and application menus with kivy Bug#905937: RFP: python-kivy-garden.modernmenu -- a stylized menu system for kivy Bug#905950: ITP: python-gdsii -- Library to handle GDSII files Bug#905952: ITP: netgen-lvs -- Netlist comparison - Layout vs Schematic (LVS) Bug#905987: ITP: node-make-generator-function -- Unit testing helper for Node.js returning a generator function Bug#905994: O: libtool Bug#905997: ITP: smbmap - handy SMB enumeration tool Bug#905998: ITP: o-saft - OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool Bug#906002: ITP: node-has-object-spread -- Runtime detection of ES6 spread syntax Bug#906008: ITP: lizzie -- GUI for analyzing games in real time using Leela Zero Bug#906013: RFP: l3afpad -- Simple text editor forked from Leafpad, supports GTK+ 3.x Bug#906024: ITP: libgdsii -- C++ library for working with GDSII binary data files Bug#906030: ITP: fsdiff -- Add new package filesystem diff Bug#906056: ITP: xserver-xorg-video-sunffb -- X.Org X server -- Sun FFB display driver Bug#906065: ITP: postgrest -- Serve a RESTful API from any Postgres database Bug#906067: ITP: librda -- Remote Desktop Awareness shared library Bug#906068: ITP: ogon-greeter-qt -- Qt5 based graphical login screen for ogon Bug#906069: ITP: ogon-apps -- Utilities and misc libraries for ogon Bug#906070: ITP: ogon-channels -- Virtual RDP channel servers for ogon Bug#906071: ITP: ogon-platform-qt -- Qt5 platform abstraction plugin based backend for ogon Bug#906072: ITP: ogon -- ogon session manager and RDP server Bug#906073: ITP: x2gobroker -- X2Go Session Broker for managing Linux/Windows terminal server farms Bug#906097: ITP: prometheus-haproxy-exporter -- HAProxy Exporter for Prometheus Bug#906099: ITP: fontdiff -- tool for finding visual differences between two font versions Bug#906102: ITP: dtl -- diff template library written by C++ Bug#906105: ITP: freecad-doc -- Extensible Open Source CAx program - online documentation Bug#906105: RFS: freecad-doc -- Extensible Open Source CAx program - online documentation Bug#906162: ITP: fermat -- Computer Algebra System for Polynomial and Matrix Computation Bug#906195: O: python-protorpc-standalone -- Google Protocol RPC Bug#906200: ITP: skalibs -- development files used for building software at Bug#906200: marked as done (ITP: skalibs -- development files used for building software at Bug#906203: ITP: r-cran-fs -- GNU R cross-platform file system operations Bug#906218: ITP: python-hdmedians -- high-dimensional medians in Python Bug#906218: marked as done (ITP: python-hdmedians -- high-dimensional medians in Python) Bug#906232: ITP: python-gnuplotlib -- gnuplotlib: a gnuplot-based plotting library for numpy Bug#906232: marked as done (ITP: python-gnuplotlib -- gnuplotlib: a gnuplot-based plotting library for numpy) Bug#906237: ITP: minetest-mod-throwing -- Minetest mod - Throwing and throwables Bug#906246: RFP: sandsifter -- program/applicaiton to audits x86 processors for hidden instructions and hardware bugs Bug#906248: ITP: sleef -- SLEEF Vectorized Math Library Bug#906248: marked as done (ITP: sleef -- SLEEF Vectorized Math Library) Bug#906250: ITP: execline -- small and non-interactive scripting language Bug#906259: ITP: smartparens -- auto insertion, wrapping, and navigation of ()s, delimiters, and tags for Emacs Bug#906265: RFH: julia -- ppc64el port of Julia language and LLVM-6.0 Bug#906272: ITP: minetest-mod-intllib -- Minetest module for internationalization of modules Bug#906280: ITP: ionit -- Render configuration files from Jinja templates Bug#906289: marked as done (ITP: ruby-aes-key-wrap -- Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap) Bug#906309: ITP: tootle -- GTK3 client for Mastodon Bug#906332: ITP: minimap2 -- versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences Bug#906450: RFP: uflash -- module and command to flash micro-python onto BBC's micro:bit Bug#906590: ITP: pass-otp -- A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens Bug#906590: marked as done (ITP: pass-otp -- A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens) Bug#906613: ITP: python-sphinxcontrib.apidoc -- Sphinx extension for running 'sphinx-apidoc' on each build Bug#906613: marked as done (ITP: python-sphinxcontrib.apidoc -- Sphinx extension for running 'sphinx-apidoc' on each build) Bug#906621: ITP: ccdiff -- Colored Character Diff Bug#906621: marked as done (ITP: ccdiff -- Colored Character Diff) Bug#906640: ITP: r-cran-ps -- GNU R list, query, manipulate system processes Bug#906671: O: opensesame -- graphical experiment builder for the social sciences Bug#906673: ITP: debspawn -- Debian package builder and build helper using systemd-nspawn Bug#906673: marked as done (ITP: debspawn -- Debian package builder and build helper using systemd-nspawn) Bug#906715: ITP: lloconv -- command line document converter using libreofficekit Bug#906715: marked as done (ITP: lloconv -- command line document converter using libreofficekit) Bug#906737: ITP: apertium-pol -- Apertium single language data for Polish Bug#906738: ITP: apertium-szl -- Apertium single language data for Silesian The last update was on 23:31 GMT Sun Jun 23. 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