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Bug#903282: Bundling a potential 'home-end' debian package

On 2018-07-30 13:55, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Dear Boruch,
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 01:14:20AM -0400, Boruch Baum wrote:
> >
> >   ref: https://github.com/melpa/melpa/pull/5594
> >
> > The method I used to re-write 'home-end' for MELPA was to first write a
> > small generic el that handles an arbitrary number of responses for an
> > arbitrary number of repeated key-presses for an arbitrary key (I'm
> > calling it 'keypress-multi-event'), and then have my version of
> > 'home-end' use that as its back-end.
> >
> > For the purpose of debian packaging, should those two files (each very
> > small, BTW) be packaged separately? Does debian want each small file to
> > be in a separate repository (eg., on github).
> They can be in the same repository, if the intent is for home-end.el
> and keypress-multi-event.el to always have equal versions and every
> update to one file necessitates upgrading both packages, because a tag
> stores the state of the branch.  Is that the intent?  Magit did it
> this way for a while.

I don't have a specific intent. From the programming design perspective
it makes sense to maintain them independently, but from the perspective
of a distribution, it would be piling on two more debian packages for a
very minor feature of a program. For a person not using either MELPA or
debian, it means an extra download / un-compress operation.

> If keypress-multi-event.el is a library that would be useful to most
> GNU Emacs users, then—ideally—a patch should be submitted to GNU
> Emacs.  I noticed that you're willing to assign © to the FSF, so maybe
> this is the plan?

No, but if they want it, they already know who I am, and I'm happy to
perform the assignment.

> > In the bigger picture, I question the 'efficiency' of administering
> > emacs packages this way. Debian is setting itself up for a tremendous
> > amount of work involving potentially hundreds of MELPA packages.
> One reason emacs-goodies-el is being broken up is to distribute the
> burden of maintenance of x packages between y volunteers, where
> previously it was 1 mega-package that no one had time to maintain. [3]

Huh? How does that math work? How do you auto-magically get those more
volunteers (rhetorical question, no need to answer in writing)?

> > Going through the use-cases and scenarios in my head, it doesn't
> > make sense to me that on the one hand debian is not restricting
> > individual user accounts from using MELPA (eg. by removing /
> > patching-out functions from package.el ), but on the other hand is
> > curating a MELPA subset that individual user accounts would
> > potentially be duplicating in their local user-space, with much
> > potential for version mis-matching.
> Dh-elpa protects against this.

  $ apt-cache show emacs25 |grep dh-elpa

I'm not getting an indication that debian is requiring / suggesting /
recommending the install of that package. Should I file that as a bug
against all emacsen? How?

I then thought that maybe the dependency should only be upon the class
of debian elpa-* packages, but performing the same check for elpa-org
likewise came up with nothing (BTW, isn't org-mode now packaged by fsf
itself as part of emacs, and installed by all debian emacs core

>  eg: A user installs elpa-libfoo=1.0 and elpa-bar-mode=1.0;

tldr; (nothing personal, just not for now, for me).

> Finally, no one is going to do a copyright review for the entirety of

Now that's a real policy issue to respect, if you aren't respecting
MELPA's own due diligence.

> Unmaintainable mega package that is impossible to QA as a whole.

Maintenance and QA of the mega-package is by upstream, as is the case
for emacs itself (the mother of all mega-packages - my latest head-slap
is 'M-x proc-ed' ...); why should debian be micro-managing individual
features / extensions of such mega-upstream-packages on an opt-in basis?
(another question for your consideration but don't need to respond here
in writing).

> > 2.3] On large enterprise debian installations (eg. universities), this
> > would save a lot of redundant bandwidth and storage, since all of MELPA
> > would already be local.
> "Every package" is a massive exploitable attack surface (and source of
> bugs)

... that already exists currently for the entire emacs community. Any
individual component would still need to be manually installed / loaded by
the individual user-account, but it would be a completely local
operation, not requiring a specific site-wide intervention of a sysadmin.

> and will slow down package upgrades

If I understand you correctly, quite the opposite. The semi-automatic
site-wide upgrading of debian by a sysadmin is going to be more current,
consistent, and reliable than that of each individual user-account
remembering to manually check and update their local MELPA downloads.

> and Emacs initialisation,

Ah, I wasn't clear. My intent was not to propose that debian have emacs
load all MELPA packages upon launching any emacs instance, only that
debian offers a debian-ized MELPA copy, with blacklist curation.

> not to mention impossible to QA.

Upstream MELPA does that.

>  A MELPA mirror or a web cache would also save bandwidth.

That is close to what this proposal would be doing.

> > 2.4] Currently, if a debian administrator does want to locally offer all
> > MELPA packages that are currently packaged by debian, is there even a
> > way to simply do that? I see no meta-package that brings in all of them,
> > and the naming convention is inconsistent.
> This should do the trick
>   apt install elpa-.*
> Package-foo might still exist as a transitional package to
> elpa-package-foo.  Please mention a few packages (from MELPA) that
> don't have a corresponding elpa-package.  Those are outliers that need
> to be elpafied.

Bad news: Quasi-randomly I checked several and had a 100% hit-rate! I
started with the MELPA package wanderlust, which exists as two debian
(seemingly non-transitional) packages, named: wl and wl-beta. Also, check
out debian packages git-el, mu-cite, apel, flim, w3m-el,
w3m-el-snapshot, puppet-el, notmuch-emacs, semi, tuareg-mode. At that
point I stopped.

> Yes, curating a blacklist is a weak form of curation; however,
> curating a blacklist against an unbounded package set is more work
> than curating a (bounded) whitelist

You only need to black-list known bad actors that for some reason MELPA
hasn't already black-listed.

> P.P.S. You mentioned you're at debconf?


> To meet the team, #debian-emacs on irc.oftc.net

I could be available to help out some, but it might require someone to
do some hand-holding me through the parts of the initial process (I
did start and eventually abort a DM effort a few years ago).

Best wishes for an enjoyable and productive trip.

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